君悅酒店 誠邀您 湘 聚於滿堂彩推廣


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誠邀您「湘」聚於滿堂彩,探索中國八大菜系之一的湖南湘菜。品嚐五月推出 “湖南湘菜推廣” ,讓滿堂彩把湘菜的烹調精髓及獨有的鮮香、酸辣口味,帶到您的餐桌上。您絕不能錯過師傅悉心準備的每道菜式,由開胃解渴的 “紫蘇桃子薑”、香辣軟嫩的“茶油雙椒胖魚頭”,到甜而不膩的“糖油粑粑”等代表菜,都務必令您食指大動。立即預訂,感受味蕾悸動: +853 8868 1930 或 https://bit.ly/32Mo0xD

Invite your friends and family to explore one of the eight great cuisines of China – Hunan Cuisine at Beijing Kitchen from this May. Evoke your taste buds with our meticulously crafted “Hunan Cuisine Promotion” menu comes with traditional Hunan cooking style for its unique aroma, sour and spicy taste. The notable dishes from “Pickle peach, ginger, basil leave, vinegar”; “Hunan style steamed fish head, pickled red chili, pickled green chili, garlic, soy sauce”, to “Deep-fried glutinous rice doughnut, sugar”, are certainly not to be missed. Reserve now for the flavorful experience: + 853 8868 1930 or https://bit.ly/32Mo0xD

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Instagram: grandhyattmacau
WeChat: 澳门君悦酒店

#GrandHyattMacau #澳門君悅酒店 #gogrand #BeijingKitchen #滿堂彩


資料來源: 君悅酒店

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