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今個五一黃金週,留喺澳門都唔會悶親,因為全球領先空中水上樂園 #天浪淘園 將於4月28日全面重開,所有酒店住客入住期間免費無限暢玩,就等你同小朋友入場大玩特玩!樂園有成10個足球場咁大,夠晒一家大細盡情放電!鍾意刺激過癮嘅水上快感,就唔好錯過全球最長空中激流及全球最大空中衝浪池啦,玩到攰就去150米白沙灘散下步,再曬返個日光浴!玩完天浪淘園都唔使失落,因為 #澳門銀河 精彩活動浪接浪!行街、睇戲、食飯、做spa…… 一個地方搞掂晒!嚟緊假期,一於同家人齊齊出動,享受親子樂啦!

【Grand Resort Deck – an ideal family spot to spend your Golden Week】

The wait is over ! The worlds leading skytop water park #GrandResortDeck will fully re-open on April 28, with free access during the stay for our hotel guests! As large as 10 football pitches, Grand Resort Deck is the ideal spot for your kids to release their pent-up energy. For those craving an adrenaline rush, the worlds longest Skytop Adventure Rapids and the worlds largest Skytop Wave Pool will surely top your list! After enjoying the thrilling water facilities, bask in the sun on the white sand beach spanning 150 meters and recharge yourself . Outside the Grand Resort Deck, waves of exciting activities still await you at #GalaxyMacau – shopping, movies, dining and spa journey – just take your pick. See you at Galaxy Macau this Golden Week!

#親子活動 #水上樂園 #五一黃金週 #familyday #family #kids #waterpark #waterfun #GoldenWeek


資料來源: 銀河

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