銀河 澳門味道 匠心傳奇 你不知道的意大利風情優惠


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【《澳門味道 匠心傳奇》– 你不知道的意大利風情】
《澳門味道 匠心傳奇》將帶你出走歐洲,由南到北味遊意大利,解剖北部正宗樸實的料理以及南部地中海風味。

由意大利主廚Luca Signoretti主理的 Terrazza Italian Restaurant 庭園意大利餐廳 是 #米芝蓮入選餐廳,以意大利直送最新鮮的優質食材,以簡單調料烹製,呈獻原生態的熱情美味。主廚Luca樂於與客人互動及即席製作,讓客人能體驗美食的樂趣。想知道主廚Luca的家傳千層面及好多人慕名而來的醃法松尼牛肉片秘製方法嗎? 立即為你揭開主廚Luca的秘密,讓你彷如在意大利朋友家享用美味家宴~

立即訂座 ( +853 8883 2221) 品嚐主廚 Luca Signoretti「意式風情美饌」,細味秘法千層面和各款意式原生美味,味遊意大利地道風味。

支持單位:澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局 悠遊澳門 Stopover Macao

即日起至6月18日以 #Visa 卡享此套房更可立減澳門元400及特調雞尾酒一杯!使用工銀澳門銀河Visa信用卡更可同時賺取「銀河獎賞積分」!


【“Tastes of Macau Artisans of Flavor” – Unveiling the Secret of Italian Cuisine】
Let’s take a flight across Asia to Europe with us, the “Tastes of Macau, Artisans of Flavor” is now landing at Italy for an authentic taste of Italy - from the North to the South.

Awarded as the #Michelin Selected Restaurants, Terrazza Italian Restaurant 庭園意大利餐廳 is led by Chef de Cuisine Luca Signoretti serving an authentic Italian cuisine showcasing beautiful ingredients all Italians take pride in. Enjoy fresh seasonal produce flown into Macau from Italy, the restaurant favors traditional methods and fresh, simple seasoning to spotlight the natural flavor of every ingredient.

Chef Luca Signoretti of Terrazza Italian Restaurant demonstrates how growing up in a family of hunters and farmers has influenced his approach to Italian cuisine. Unlike the lasagna you have tasted, discover the secret recipe of Chef Luca’s Millefoglie di Lasagna della Nonna and the crafting of signature Carpaccio di Mano Fassone by Chef Luca.

Book now ( +853 8883 2221) to savor Chef Luca’s Italian Degustation Menu for an authentic home tasted of Italian feast.

Supporting Entity: Macao Government Tourism Office 悠遊澳門 Stopover Macao

From now until June 18, use a Visa card to enjoy MOP400 instant rebate and one glass of Special Cocktail when you savorChef Luca’s menu (first-come, first-served). Earn Galaxy Rewards Points when you use an ICBC Galaxy Macau Visa Card too!

Discover more unveiled gastronomy secret: https://www.galaxymacau.com/pziopNIztb/

#澳門 #澳門味道匠心傳奇 #澳門銀河 #澳門味道 #澳門美食 #創意城市美食之都 #中西文化交融 #文化遺產 #米芝蓮指南 #Macau #GalaxyMacau #TastesofMacau #CityofGastronomy #UNESCO #MichelinSelectedRestaurants


資料來源: 銀河

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