永利 杜羅河谷的寶藏推介


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【#杜羅河谷的寶藏 :葡萄牙美酒探索之旅】
#DouroValleyTreasure: A Wine Adventure in Portugal

水土得天獨厚的葡萄牙杜羅河谷,是國寶級葡萄酒的發源地。今次,永利專程邀請到來自杜羅河產區的頂級酒莊聯盟「Douro Boys」橫跨半個地球,將被譽為「杜羅河谷寶藏」的葡萄酒佳釀帶到永利呈獻給一眾品酒愛好者!



Brimming with natural beauty and fertility, the Portugal Douro Valley is the perfect birthplace of world-class grape blends. This June, we are pleased to welcome the Douro Boys, a group of five top wine producers of the region, to bring their vineyard harvests across the globe for all wine lovers at Wynn.

They will lead you into the wonderful world of Portuguese wines with a series of events: including the gala dinner, walkaround tasting session and masterclasses.

Stay tuned for more details on our Facebook page!

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資料來源: 永利

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