文華東方酒店 Zensate療法是一種獨特的身 心及美容護理優惠

澳門優惠 Zensate療法是一種獨特的身 心及美容護理優惠 0

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𝙕𝙀𝙉𝙎𝘼𝙏𝙀 by - Laurent Svara and Claire Kipp -

Unique to the mind, body, and beauty rituals, Zensate technology optimises well-being and supports rejuvenation through a scientifically proven approach using sound and vibration to relax the nervous system while restoring the mind and body equanimity.
With more than 20 years of experience, Laurent Svara, founder and Zensate and Claire Kipp will be bringing a series of multi-sensory wellness experiences including Yin Yoga, Sound Healing, Gua Sha and Ayurvedic spa treatments integrated with therapeutic music and haptic sound vibration.

Zensate療法是一種獨特的身、心及美容護理,通過科學的方式帶來正向的影響。療程會使用聲音振動來放鬆神經系統,讓您恢復身心平靜。Zensate的創始人Laurent Svara與Claire Kipp均擁有超過20年的康體經驗,他們將親臨帶來一系列結合治療音樂、聲頻振動及讓您身臨其境的多傳感體驗,包括陰瑜伽、聲療、刮痧、阿育吠陀水療護理。

| Enjoy 20% savings when you book any treatments before 7 June |
The Spa 水療中心
+853 8805 8588 or 8805 8888|[email protected]


資料來源: 文華東方酒店

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