銀河 銀河致尚 會員7月專享 免費楊枝甘露

澳門優惠 銀河致尚 會員7月專享 免費楊枝甘露 0

澳門優惠 銀河致尚 會員7月專享 免費楊枝甘露 1

澳門優惠 銀河致尚 會員7月專享 免費楊枝甘露 2

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【「銀河致尚」會員7月專享 | 免費楊枝甘露】
正值盛夏芒果季🥭,點少得來一碗香濃醇厚,絲滑甜蜜嘅 #楊枝甘露 ! 現在每位「銀河致尚」客人於7月來 #星際酒店 #尚品海鮮火鍋 消費即送你楊枝甘露一份(價值$38),讓你感受 #由大海到餐桌 的 #原始鮮味火鍋體驗後,再帶給你一股甜中又帶點清爽的夏天味道。

立即訂座: +853 8290 8666
營業時間:中午12時至下午2時30分 及下午5時至晚上11時

【 GALAXY ULTIMATE July Offer| Free Mango Pomelo Sago】
Its the mango season🥭, and what better way to beat the summer heat than with a bowl of rich and creamy, silky sweet #MangoPomeloSago! In July, every GALAXY ULTIMATE guest who dines at #StarWorldHotel #ShangPinSeafoodHotpotRestaurant can enjoy a complimentary serving of Mango Pomelo Sago (worth $38), allowing you to indulge in our delicious food and unique #seatotable hot pot experience and enjoy a sweet and refreshing taste of summer

Reservations: +853 8290 8666
Location: 10/F, Shang Pin Seafood Hotpot Restaurant, #StarWorldHotel
Opening Hours: 12:00-14:30 | 17:00-23:00

#至臻星級美味 #澳門美食 #海鮮 #火鍋 #澳門新餐廳 #澳門酒店 #澳門味道 #尚品海鮮火鍋 #美味海鮮 #PrestigiousGourmetExperience #MacauFood #MacauFoodie #TasteOfMacao #Seafood #Hotpot #NewRestaurant #ShangPinHotpot #SeafoodLovers


資料來源: 銀河

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