香港航空 買禮物時間

澳門優惠 買禮物時間 0

澳門優惠 買禮物時間 1

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[Gift picking season! ]

係時候準備交換聖誕禮物啦!我哋HKA Collection都預備咗全新嘅貨品俾大家揀!



喺網上訂購貨品後,可選擇親身前往港航大樓領取 或 順豐快遞到付。

溫馨提示:聖誕前我哋會喺19號發貨,記住18號中午12:00前要落單喇。過咗之後就要十個工作天先可以領取 / 發貨。

Its time to prepare for Christmas gift exchanges! Our HKA Collection has prepared new products!

We strongly recommend the Hong Kong Airlines x RIVERS Wall Mug Sleek. We also have travel adapters, cushions with four different designs inspired by the FIDS board, 4 designs of enamel pins and the very popular cabin crew plush toys!

The new route gift set for Kumamoto, our latest destination, is now available for sale as well.

Place your order now:

After ordering the product online, you can choose to pick it up in person at the Hong Kong Airlines Training Academy or pay upon delivery via SF Express.

Friendly reminder: We will ship the first batch of orders on 19 DEC 2023. Please place your order before 12:00 noon on 18 DEC 2023 to catch the first batch delivery. After that, once the order is confirmed, it can be picked up or shipped after ten business days

#HKAirlines #ReadySetGo


資料來源: 香港航空

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!