新濠 騰龍賀歲 新濠影滙 迎接開運盛宴優惠


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🧧【騰龍賀歲 #新濠影滙 迎接開運盛宴】

農曆新年係團圓同相聚嘅祝福好時節!今年2月, #新濠影滙 旗下特色餐廳包括 #玥龍軒、#碧迎居、#東南薈、#星滙餐廳、#映星滙大堂咖啡、#羅浮餅廊及輕食 將呈獻傳統風味嘅賀年佳餚以及各國菜式,實行將祝福融入美食之中。

立即嚟新濠影滙預訂你至愛嘅開運盛宴,迎接幸運同豐盛嘅一年! https://bit.ly/3u2L6Rz


🧧 【Celebrate CNY at #StudioCity with Special Dining Promotions!】

Join us for a fantastic CNY dining experience and enjoy special promotions inspired by the Year of the Dragon at Studio City! Indulge in a variety of delicious dishes at #PearlDragon, #BiYing, #SpiceRoad, #Spotlight, #LobbyCaféatEpic, and #LouvrePastryNDeli that will delight your taste buds. Each restaurant offers unique culinary experiences showcasing the best of Chinese and international cuisine.

Visit our website or contact us directly for reservations: https://bit.ly/3TVuBkY
Wishing you a joyful and prosperous New Year!

玥龍軒 Pearl Dragon
查詢 Enquiries︰(853) 8865 6560

碧迎居 Bi Ying
查詢 Enquiries︰(853) 8865 6650

東南薈 Spice Road
查詢 Enquiries︰(853) 8865 6640

星滙餐廳 Spotlight
營業時間 Opening Hours︰
自助午餐 12:00 - 15:00 (成人Adult:MOP 388+ | 小童Kids(6-12歲):MOP 198+)
自助晚餐 18:00 - 22:00 (成人Adult:MOP 688+ | 小童Kids(6-12歲):MOP 358+)
查詢 Enquiries︰(853) 8865 6668

映星滙大堂咖啡 Lobby Café at Epic
查詢 Enquiries︰(853) 8865 1053

羅浮餅廊及輕食 Louvre Pastry & Deli
查詢 Enquiries︰(853) 8865 6669

#MacauStudioCity #ChineseNewYear #YearOfTheDragon #DiningPromotion #中國新年 #龍年 #餐飲優惠 #開運盛宴 #新春賀年 #美食體驗 #團年聚餐


資料來源: 新濠

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