銀河 果木烤鴨控的福音優惠

澳門優惠 果木烤鴨控的福音優惠 0

澳門優惠 果木烤鴨控的福音優惠 1

澳門優惠 果木烤鴨控的福音優惠 2

澳門優惠 果木烤鴨控的福音優惠 3

澳門優惠 果木烤鴨控的福音優惠 4

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澳門首家國內知名果木烤鴨專家 #花悅庭 明天 (1月18日) 將於 #澳門銀河 開幕!

餐廳以北京果木烤鴨為主打,融合京淮特色菜,打造獨具地方風味的餐飲體驗~新店開幕招牌果木烤鴨更有限! 時! 優! 惠!立即往下看重點!

精選優質「北京四系鴨子」 ,配上季節性果木,釋放出豐富而複雜的香氣。傳承宮廷「掛爐烤鴨」絕技,每一隻鴨子都在專門打造的紅磚烤窯中浴火約70分鐘,真正做到皮酥肉嫩,只需一口,就能體會到鴨皮入口即化的美妙滋味!更獨家教你4種最美味的烤鴨食法!連烤爐也是特別從北京請師傅來人手搭建,聽到這就知道有多講究及專業了!

除了果木烤鴨,在「澳門銀河」花悅庭還能品嚐到由擁有30年經驗名廚胡發祺主理的京淮特色菜及地方融和菜,每道菜品都是廚師對傳統與創新的完美詮釋 ,融合了京菜和淮揚名菜之精華!特選果木烤鴨配霜降鵝肝千層魚子醬、水晶醉大閘蟹凍及京燒文火和牛肉等必點菜式,絕對讓你食指大動!其中京燒文火和牛作為京菜代表,以文火慢燉鎖住特選澳洲和牛的鮮濃肉汁,搭配香脆軟糯的煎芋餅一起入口,滿嘴香濃軟滑,超級滿足!

招牌果木烤鴨,只需澳門元488 /隻(原價澳門元688)
驚喜組合! 招牌果木烤鴨,加上2款指定特色菜品,只需澳門元538!只限午市
查詢及預訂:+853 8883 2221

【Look here Peking Duck lovers! “Blossom Palaces” Opens on Jan 18】
Macaus latest gem, Blossom Palaces, is set to open tomorrow (Jan 18) at #GalaxyMacau! Celebrated for its signature fruitwood-roasted Peking Duck, which is masterfully fused with the finest of Beijing and Huaiyang cuisine, the eatery promises a distinctive dining experience. Don’t miss our special opening offers!

Signature Fruitwood-Roasted Peking Duck
Indulge in the “Beijing Four-Strain Duck” , roasted with seasonal fruitwood in a custom-built, red brick oven for 70 minutes, unleashing a symphony of rich, intricate aromas. The “hang-roasting” technique that originated from the Chinese Imperial Palace, guarantees crispy skin and succulent flesh. It is definitely a taste of royalty in every bite with 4 different ways to enjoy! Our ovens, handcrafted by Beijing artisans, showcase our dedication to precision and expertise!

Led by Chef de Cuisine Ricky Wu, with 30 years culinary experience, Blossom Palaces in Galaxy Macau brings a fusion of Beijing and Huaiyang flavors. Highlights include “Traditional Wood Fire Roasted Peking Duck paired with Imperial Ossertra Caviar and Puff Pastry”, “Chilled Hairy Crab Roe Jelly with Sea Urchin” and “Slow-cooked Wagyu Beef in Beijing Style” – each dish a culinary masterpiece sure to stimulate your palate . The Beijing Style braised Wagyu, paired with crispy tender fried taro cakes, offers a rich and smooth gastronomic experience! Join us for a culinary adventure!

Opening Offers
Traditional Wood Fire Roasted Peking Duck (whole duck) is available at MOP488 (Original Price: MOP688)
Limited-time Combo: Enjoy Traditional Wood Fire Roasted Peking Duck (whole duck) with two selected dishes at MOP538, available at lunch time only.
Promotion period: Jan 18 – Feb 6, 2024
Location: 1/F, Galaxy Macau (near JW Marriott Hotel Macau)
Reservations & Inquiries: +853 8883 2221
Learn more: https://www.galaxymacau.com/XE9CgEVpS9/

#澳門銀河 #舌尖品亞洲峰味聚銀河 #澳門 #澳門美食 #澳門旅遊 #澳門旅行 #北京烤鴨 #京淮菜 #GalaxyMacau #1diningdestination #ABiteofGalaxy #BlossomPalaces #Macau #MacauFood #MacauTravel #PekingDuck #RoastedPekingDuck #HuaiyangCuisines


資料來源: 銀河

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