銀河 品味坊 牛 氣沖天美食焦點discount

澳門優惠 品味坊 牛 氣沖天美食焦點discount 0

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來到新一年又準備迎新歲的時候啦!今個1月及2月,#品味坊 的大廚特意挑選了肉質優良的澳洲牛排作為晚餐美食焦點,製作出三款不同煮法的牛排菜式,讓食客們都可”牛”氣沖天!立即到品味坊品嚐最”牛”美食!


地點:星際酒店 16樓 - 品味坊
訂座電話:+853 8290 8688

【A Beef-tastic New Year at Temptations】
It’s time to usher the Chinese New Year with something special! This January and February, at #Temptations, we are spotlighting the finest Australian Steaks for dinner time! Our chefs have skillfully crafted three delectable dishes that are sure to elevate your dining experience. Join us to embark on an exquisite gastronomic adventure!
Pan-fried Australian Sirloin, Port Wine Sauce
Baked Australian Rib Eye, Wild Mushroom Sauce
Grilled Australian Beef Tenderloin, Black Garlic Sauce

Stamp it up!
Every discounted total of MOP140 at Temptations earns you a stamp. Collect 5 within 60 days and get a lunch set for one for free! Seats are limited, so book early!

Opening Hours:
Lunch: 12:00 – 15:00
Dinner: 18:30 - 22:00
(Dinner Buffet for every Friday and Saturday)
Location: 16/F, Temptations, StarWorld Hotel
Reservations: +853 8290 8688

#星際酒店 #澳門酒店 #澳門旅遊 #澳門攻略 #至臻星級美味 #澳門美食 #StarWorldHotel #PrestigiousGourmetExperience #MacauFood #MacauTravel


資料來源: 銀河

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