香港航空 全日搭盡開篷巴士9折優惠
優惠期: 2024-01-30 至 2024-06-30 己過期 (以內文作準*)
[Full-day HK Sightseeing Tour on a bus]
香港嘅城市景色真係世一﹐尤其係夜景呀! 唔怪得咁多嚟香港玩嘅旅客都鍾意搭開篷巴士!唔信你睇下空姐Bella同 #Kumamon 喺 開篷巴士上面玩得幾開心 !
為咗慶祝香港=熊本直航線重新啟航,香港航空聯同 城巴 Citybus 提供人力車觀光巴士折扣優惠俾乘搭香港航空嘅旅客!
香港航空乘客可於城巴eShop輸入優惠碼 “HXCTB”,即可以9折優惠購買「人力車觀光巴士全日票」 。乘客於購買後須到人力車觀光巴士服務站或城巴的顧客服務中心領取車票,優惠碼的使用次數不限。有效期由即日起至6月30日。
The cityscape of Hong Kong is truly one of a kind, especially its night view! No wonder many tourists visiting Hong Kong enjoy taking the sightseeing bus tour! Dont believe it? Just take a look at our flight attendant Bella and #Kumamon having a great time on the sightseeing bus!
To celebrate the resumption of the Hong Kong-Kumamoto direct route, Hong Kong Airlines and Citybus are offering a discount on the Rickshaw Sightseeing Bus for our passengers!
10% off of Rickshaw Sightseeing Bus Day Pass for the HK Airlines passengers
purchasing on CTB eShop by using the promotion code “HXCTB”, they are
required to redeem the bus ticket at our centres. There is no frequency limit for
using the promotion code. The promotion is valid from now until June 30th.
*Terms and conditions apply:
*In case of any dispute, Citybus reserves the right of final decision.
Watch the full video now:
#熊顏知己想見就見 #再次熊抱你 #MissYouBearyMuch
#HXtoJapan #城巴 #Citybus #人力車觀光巴士 #RickshawSightseeingBus
資料來源: 香港航空