香港航空 租件旗袍暢遊港島優惠

澳門優惠 租件旗袍暢遊港島優惠 0

澳門優惠 租件旗袍暢遊港島優惠 1

澳門優惠 租件旗袍暢遊港島優惠 2

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!

[Rent a QiPao on HK Island]


中上環一帶保留咗唔少舊香港特色嘅街景、小店,又有唔少大型壁畫,時不時都會見到著住旗袍嘅遊客!空姐Bella 就喺 嫣裳記 Yan Shang Kee 搵到個心水旗袍造型,睇到 #Kumamon 眼擎擎。





While Hong Kong tourists love to take photos in kimono when visiting Japan, do you know that Japanese tourists also enjoy wearing qipao and taking photos when they come to Hong Kong? There are plenty of old Hong Kong-style street scenes, small shops and large-scale murals around Central and Sheung Wan district, where you can often spot tourists wearing qipao.

At Yan Shang Kee, flight attendant Bella found her favorite qipao which #Kumamon found it attractive as well.

To celebrate the resumption of the Hong Kong-Kumamoto direct flight route, HK Airlines and Yan Shang Kee jointly offer the following discount to HK Airlines’ passengers:

When renting a qipao at Yan Shang Kee, passengers can enjoy a HK$20 discount by presenting a valid Hong Kong Airlines’ boarding pass. The promotion is valid until 31 MAR 2024.

*Subject to relevant terms and conditions:
*In case of any dispute, Yan Shang Kee reserves the right of final decision.

Watch the full video now:

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資料來源: 香港航空

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!