戀愛電影館 浸入 VR電影體驗展免費

澳門優惠 浸入 VR電影體驗展免費 0

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. ✧ ⋆ ⚝ #浸入 — #VR電影體驗展 ⍣ .
𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 - 𝐕𝐑 𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐦 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐄𝐱𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

繼「回望」系列「定格 - 陳鴻毅劇照展」後,電影館由即日起在 3 樓展覽廳舉辦引介外地前沿作品的「前瞻 Looking Forward」系列展覽,以「浸入 — VR 電影體驗展」為首展,冀望 VR 沉浸式的電影感,能刺激觀眾對影像的想像。展覽由即日起至 2024 年 5 月 8 日於官網開放預約,平日展映三場,週末展映四場;憑票免費觀賞,歡迎觀眾踴躍登記參與。

VR(Virtual Reality 虛擬實境)電影是近年冒起並衝擊主流的影像創作媒介,新穎的全景觀攝製技術,使觀眾可透過頭戴式 VR 設備,身臨其境地置於 360 度的電影中。游走主觀與被動的敘事情節,聲畫緊隨頭部移動而改變的臨場感,令 VR 電影成為「沉浸式體驗」的代名詞。本次 VR 電影體驗展回歸以強調純觀看的 VR360 形式為主軸,分兩個階段展映兩部美學各異、對話現實的 VR 作品。

【2024.2.6 - 2024.3.31】
展映 #曾翠珊 導演的 VR 作品《無舞之間》(Chroma 11),圍繞舞蹈藝術家黃天寶及郭亞福二人共生的創作/關係,在 VR 媒介裡重構一趟雖已天人永隔,但游離虛實的重聚。除《無舞之間》外,本次亦同時展出包含紀錄片《一一》(Ward 11)等延伸影像,線性敘事的展出概念、將更突顯曾翠珊導演從傳統電影敘事至 VR 形式的過渡和實驗。

【2024.4.1 - 2024.5.8】
展映荷蘭跨媒體創作者 #AdriaanLokman 以綿延四散的線條美學,在《一日川流》(Flow)中,重塑主角看似日常普通的一天。片中主角從夢裡醒來後,不論人流、車流、呼吸及陣風,身邊的一切流動,都以時而具體、時而抽象的線條,此起彼落地浮現眼前。模糊現實與夢境的《一日川流》,彷彿打開了觀者天眼,在 VR 影像裡重新認識日常。

VR (Virtual Reality) film is a video creation medium that has emerged in recent years and impacted the mainstream. Unlike traditional films, which are watched from a single location, VR films are characterized by the use of panoramic shooting technology, which allows the audience to be immersed in a 360-degree film through a head-mounted VR device. The subjective and passive storyline, the sense of immediacy of the sound and images that follow the movement of the head, and the sense of participation and empathy in watching the film rise to a whole new level, making VR films synonymous with immersive experience.

Following the first exhibition of the Rewind Macao series, Freeze The Moments - Akimoto Chans Film Stills Exhibition, the Looking Forward series, which introduces cutting-edge works from overseas, presents the first exhibition of the Immerse - VR Film Experiential Exhibition, hoping that the immersive cinematic sensation of VR will allow us to open our eyes and ears, and to be mesmerized by the illusion of stimulating the imagination of the images.

The exhibition Immerse - VR Film Experiential Exhibition returns to the VR360 format, which emphasizes pure viewing, and features two VR works with different aesthetics and dialogues with reality:

【2024.2.6 - 2024.3.31】
Chroma 11, a VR work directed by Tsang Tsui-shan, centers on the symbiotic creation/relationship between dance artists Aaron Khek Ah Hock and his partner Ix Wong Thien-pau, and reconstructs in the VR medium a reunion of two people who have been separated from each other but who are still in a state of virtual reality. In addition to Chroma 11, the exhibition also features the short film Ward 11, a linear narrative concept that highlights the transition and experimentation of Tsangs work from traditional film narration to VR.

【2024.4.1 - 2024.5.8】
Dutch transmedia creator Adriaan Lokman uses a linear aesthetic to recreate the seemingly ordinary day of the protagonist in Flow. When the protagonist wakes up from a dream, the movement of people, traffic, breath, and gusts of wind, all around her appear in front of her eyes in a series of sometimes concrete, sometimes abstract lines. Blurring reality and dream, Flow seems to open the viewers eyes to the heavens and reacquaint them with everyday life in VR video.

即時開始預留 Start reserving tickets now


資料來源: 戀愛電影館

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