銀河 百老匯酒店 全面回歸優惠
優惠期: 2024-02-07 至 2024-03-08 己過期 (以內文作準*)
澳門 #百老匯酒店 終於全面開放,精明的一定要選擇年後出遊,避開人潮小高峰!官方會員專享「百老匯酒店」每晚澳門元489++起!超低價格,盡享 #澳門銀河 五星級綜合度假城一站式吃喝玩樂購!
錯峰出行更好玩更划算!立即預訂 https://www.galaxymacau.com/zh-hant/6YAIHmZw2A/
【百老匯美食街 】就在門外,嚐遍亞洲網紅美食、探店本地老字號大小餐廳,一條街嚐遍50+款各地風味火鍋!旅行的意義就是吃吃喝喝!
與【百老匯舞台 】相連,追星式旅遊必選!匯聚世界級表演盛事,零距離與偶像精彩互動~
【一站式度假體驗 】90秒步行直達#澳門銀河綜合度假城,盡享200+國際時尚豪華品牌及120+環球餐飲選擇!
🧧另外,登記成為「銀河致尚」會員可領$2,888迎新大禮包,現時更有新春小遊戲,一起瓜分五百萬大獎。立即參加^ https://www.galaxyresorts.com.cn/mp/cwVqlNh86y/
【🥳Broadway Hotel is Back to Action!】
#BroadwayHotel is now in action again, offering an ideal retreat for those looking to escape the post-holiday rush! Exclusive for our official website members, enjoy a special rate starting at just MOP489++ per night at Broadway Hotel. This amazing offer grants you full access to the one-stop destination for dining, entertainment, and luxury shopping experience at #GalaxyMacau Integrated Resort.
Free Minibar (Restocked Daily)
Light fast with set menu for 2 at Broadway Kitchen
Booking Period: From now until Mar 8, 2024
Stay Period: From now until Mar 27, 2024
Book now: https://www.galaxymacau.com/0JgnQQ53dN/
Broadway Hotel is back! Must-experience highlights:
Broadway Food Street: Just steps away from your room, embark on a culinary journey through Asia, discover local eateries, and explore over 50 hot pots varieties from around the world.
Broadway Theatre: The ultimate destination for fans seeking world-class performances and intimate encounters, all just a heartbeat away.
A brief 90-second stroll leads you straight to Galaxy Macau Integrated Resort, offering access to over 200 international luxury fashion brands and the dining destination in Asia with over 120 dining options!
🧧Register as Galaxy Ultimate members to receive a new $2,888 luxury welcome gift pack with endless offers from dining, entertainment and more! Plus, join our Lunar New Year mini-games for a chance to share in a $5 million grand prize! Join now^: https://www.galaxyresorts.com.cn/mp/cwVqlNh86y/
^Requires redirection to WeChat Mini Program. Applicants must be 21 years or older to join the Galaxy Ultimate Club.
#澳門銀河 #澳門百老匯 #百老匯酒店 #澳門旅遊 #澳門酒店 #酒店優惠 #GalaxyMacau #BroadwayMacau #BroadwayHotel #MacauTravel #MacauHotels #HotelOffers
資料來源: 銀河