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【 「濠」買新年禮物】

🧧送上得體嘅新年禮物,拜年就唔怕失禮! #新濠影滙 #英皇珠寶 集結 #財運、#事業、#健康、#愛情嘅賀歲金飾,無論買嚟催谷自己運氣或送俾身邊人都係首選禮物。新年想買新衫嘅話,可以考慮入手 #Emporio Armani嘅 龍年系列,用精緻刺繡龍紋營造新年氣氛。襯埋運用生肖做主題、限量發行888隻嘅 #Longines「Flagship Heritage 月相腕錶龍年限定版」,完美展現mix & match嘅至高境界!

鍾情細水長流, #盛豐珠寶金行 以新工藝製成嘅千足金、金粒同金條,而家仲推出 #黃金折上折優惠,簡直係保值之選!

Shopping完通常見攰,細心嘅你只要識得事前book定獲《福布斯旅遊指南》五星評級嘅星級「漣」水療,仲可以情人節優惠價MOP1,680享受喚醒身心嘅療程 。 https://bit.ly/3SAmfNg

【 Get Your New Gifts for the Lunar New Year】

🧧 Introducing exquisite Lunar New Year gifts that ensure your blessings are given with grace! #StudioCity #EmperorJewellery gathered auspicious gold accessories symbolizing #wealth, #career, #health, and #love, making them the top choice for self-indulgence or gifts to your loved ones. For fashionable items, explore the Dragon Year collection from #EmporioArmani , showcasing intricate embroidered dragon patterns that set a festive tone. Complete the ensemble with the special edition FLAGSHIP HERITAGE moonphase model from #Longines, featuring a majestic dragon in flight and limited to just 888 pieces!

For those who appreciate timeless elegance, #ShengFungJewelry offers gold grains and bars crafted with exceptional artistry. Take advantage of their special #GoldenDiscount promotion for a valuable gift!

After a tiring shopping spree, you deserve a pampering session. Book in advance for the luxurious five-star rated Aurora Spa, recommended by Forbes Travel Guide. And guess what? You can enjoy a special Valentines Day offer at just MOP1,680 for a rejuvenating treatment that will awaken your body and mind. https://bit.ly/497seAb

#LunarNewYearShopping #LunarNewYearGifts #MacauEvents #新年購物 #新年禮物 #澳門活動


資料來源: 新濠

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