銀河 新春購物賞 鉅惠來襲優惠
優惠期: 2024-02-09 至 2024-02-18 己過期 (以內文作準*)
【#新春購物賞 鉅惠來襲!】
新年遇上情人節,想要給親朋摯愛送上驚喜好禮傳達心意?#銀河時尚匯 為你的祝福加把力!即日起至2月18日期間,來銀河時尚匯購物,滿澳門元/港元20,000或以上,即送你無門檻購物及餐飲現金券最高達澳門元60,000、五星級豪華酒店住宿一晚及2%額外消費回贈!
【 Chinese New Year Shopping Rewards is Here!】
Elevate your Lunar New Year and Valentine’s Day gifting at #GalaxyPromenade . From now until February 18, 2024, spend MOP/HKD20,000 or more to enjoy up to MOP60,000 shopping and dining vouchers, which you can use with no minimum spend, plus a lavish one-night stay at our five-star hotel and extra 2% rebate on your purchases!
Dive into a seamless luxury shopping experience at Galaxy Promenade, boasting over 200 top-tier international brands spanning fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. Join our daily lucky draws for a chance to win luxurious hotel stays, shopping vouchers, dining treats, and other fantastic prizes. Check out your fortune now^: https://www.galaxyresorts.com.cn/mp/cwVqlNh86y/
^Requires redirection to WeChat Mini Program. Applicants must be 21 years or older to join the Galaxy Ultimate Club.
Time is ticking, grab the offer now! More detail: https://www.galaxymacau.com/offers/shopping/chines-new-year-shopping-rewards/
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資料來源: 銀河