新濠 再度啟航9折優惠

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【 再度啟航!澳門海陸空探索之旅】

遊澳門嘅方式又點止得一種!#新濠風尚 特別呈獻一個帶大家以海、陸、空三種不同方式遊覽澳門,包括本地專業導遊帶領海上乘搭 #澳門海上遊 觀光遊船欣賞澳門的迷人海港美景及沿路講解地標建築物和澳門歷史、可以欣賞沿途風景往返新濠影滙及路環碼頭的接駁巴士,仲可以體驗全球最高8字形摩天輪 #影滙之星,畀你喺一日內,用唔同角度欣賞澳門獨特嘅風光,絕對值得一試!而家「新濠風尚」會員專享9折優惠,快啲行動啦~

價格︰每位澳門幣 205(原價: 澳門幣228)

【Discover Macaus Marvels: The Golden Voyage Tour Returns】

Who says exploring Macau has to be ordinary? #MelcoStyle presents an extraordinary adventure where youll journey across land, sea, and air! Join our local expert guide on the #MacauCruise to discover the mesmerizing beauty of the harbor and uncover the stories behind iconic landmarks. Hop on the shuttle from #StudioCity to Coloane Pier, soak in the breathtaking views, and dont miss the chance to ride the worlds tallest figure-8 Ferris wheel, the #GoldenReel! Seeing Macau from different perspectives in just one day is an unforgettable experience. #MelcoStyleMember now gets an exclusive 10% discount. So, lets get going and create lasting memories together!

Date: From now until August 31 (Every Saturday at 3 PM)
Price: MOP 205 per person (Original Price: MOP 228)
Detail: https://bit.ly/4c0aWXG


資料來源: 新濠

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