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澳門優惠 以優雅和諧的身心平衡迎接春季推廣 1

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Embrace the beauty of this blossoming season with an exclusive spa journey at The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Macau. Awaken your senses with our 100-minute spa treatment, beginning with an aromatherapy full-body hot stone massage that will transport you to a state of deep relaxation. Followed by the contrasting sensation from the cooling crystal roller for the ultimate Yin-Yang body massage to balance your energy and leave you feeling harmonized from within.
For the perfect finale, delight in our nourishing Double-boiled Superior Bird’s Nest in Coconut Cream and create serene #RCMemories.
Promotion period: From now until April 30, 2024
Reserve now: +853 8886 6608

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推廣日期: 即日起至2024年4月30日
立即預訂:+853 8886 6608

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資料來源: 麗思卡爾頓

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