銀河 澳門銀河 3月澳門必玩限定免費

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澳門優惠 澳門銀河 3月澳門必玩限定免費 9

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【 #澳門銀河 3月澳門必玩限定】
春暖花開,正是外出遊玩的好時節~ 3月限定的節慶、展覽和美食活動超全攻略;帶小朋友放電、約會、打卡、覓食…… 你想得出的都有!

【2024 澳門國際幻彩大巡遊】澳門國際文化盛事載譽歸來!逾80支本地及外地巡遊隊伍將一路歡歌載舞,從大三巴牌坊巡遊到西灣湖廣場,並帶來不同風格的藝術表演!

【第一屆澳門國際喜劇節】涵蓋海內外優秀喜劇劇目展演等豐富活動,包括劉德華出品、香港六場爆滿的喜劇劇目《你好,打劫!》也將在澳門 #銀河國際會議中心 銀河演講廳精彩呈獻!


【「童」樂繽紛復活節】復活節即將到來,小淘淘為各位#澳門銀河 的小住客們籌備了復活蛋大搜尋、主題手作坊、彩蛋迷宮遊戲卡等一系列輕鬆有趣的節日活動及主題工作坊,趕緊帶上小朋友,跟小淘淘一起歡度復活節吧!


【《喜‧始 : 當代藝術裝置之旅》】澳門必打卡新展!三位才華滿滿的本地新生代藝術家,帶你走進一個色彩、氣味、聽覺交織的沉浸式藝術世界,完成入場券上打卡任務,即可免費獲得紀念環保袋, 數量有限,換完即止!免費入場還能報名現場工作坊與藝術家們互動哦~
位置:銀河藝萃 | 銀河時尚匯1樓
工作坊報名連結: https://bit.ly/genesis_workshop

【Johnnie Walker Blue Label x 澳門銀河限定體驗店】限時體驗世界著名蘇格蘭威士忌品牌的醉人感官盛宴!現場展出了多款出品自Johnnie Walker的珍稀佳釀,每天下午5時至9時更可免費品鑑美酒!即場購買指定酒款還有驚喜哦~
時間:2024年3月13日至 5月5日

來「銀河影院 」賞「奧斯卡金像獎 」七大佳作,「銀河致尚」會員購指定電影票還贈爆谷一份 !順便打卡超出片的可口可樂主題裝置,美式復古風真的好愛,隨便怎麼拍都好看!

【#GalaxyMacau March Macau Tour Guide】
Spring is in full bloom, and it is the perfect time to step out and explore! March is bursting with festivals, exhibitions, and culinary events you simply can’t miss. From family days out and romantic dates to photo taking and culinary adventure, we have got everything covered for you!

Citywide Events
【2024 Macao International Parade】 Macau’s greatest carnival makes a grand return! Experience the spectacle of over 80 local groups and participating groups from across the world, as they dance and sing their way from the Ruins of St. Paul’s to Nam Van Lake Square!
Date: March 24

【The 1st Macao International Comedy Festival】 Promises a dose of laughter with a global lineup of outstanding comedy acts, including the sold-out Hong Kong hit “The Robbery”, produced by Andy Lau. Get ready for a laughter-filled time at the Galaxy International Convention Center - Galaxy Auditorium!
Date: March 15 to 17

【Macao International Short Films Festival】 Jointly organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau and Galaxy Entertainment Group, a string of short films from different genres from Macau and worldwide will be screened in Cinematheque・Passion and at the Galaxy Cinemas. Don’t forget to check out your favorite short films!
Date: March 23 to 29

【Galaxy Kidz Easter Bonanza】 Easter is around the corner, and Wavey has whipped up a delightful array of activities for our little guests at Galaxy Hotel! Prepare for an exhilarating Easter Egg Hunt, an Easter DIY workshop, a thrilling maze adventure, plus plenty of engaging holiday events and themed workshops. Join Wavey for some Easter “egg-citement”!
Date: March 9 to 31
Location: 2/F, Hotel Okura Macau

【Grand Resort Deck】 Reopening with a splash on March 29! Spanning 75,000 square meters, get ready for skytop rapids, an 8,000 square meter wave pool, thrilling waterslides, and a white sand beach loved by everyone. Ready to dive into summer?
Opening date: March 29

Photo Spots
【GENESIS: Contemporary Installation Art Journey】 The three up-and-coming young local artists invite you into their unique world through sight, sound and smell. Complete tasks on your exhibition tickets to get a limited-edition tote bag for free! Plus, enjoy free admission and interactive workshops led by the artists.
Date: From now until May 6
Location: GalaxyArt, 1/F Galaxy Promenade
Workshops registration: https://bit.ly/genesis_workshop

【Johnnie Walker Blue Label Pop-up Store in Galaxy Macau】 Don’t miss this limited-time sensory experience featuring the world famed Scottish whisky brand. Explore a range of exquisite Johnnie Walker labels and enjoy complimentary tastings every evening from 5pm to 9pm. Surprise gifts await with every purchase of selected bottles!
Date: March 13 to May 5
*Please drink responsibly

【Oscars Movie Showcase x Coca-Cola Pop-Up】 Enjoy seven of The Academy Award for Best Picture at Galaxy Cinemas and get a free popcorn with each ticket for Galaxy Ultimate Members. Plus, snap a picture at the ultra-cool, retro American Coca-Cola setup, it is picture-perfect from any angle!

#澳門旅行 #澳門美食 #澳門景點 #打卡 #藝術 #文化 #春日 #Macau #macao #macautravel #travel #spring #culture #art


資料來源: 銀河

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