大灣區航空 一秒置身絕美花海優惠


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今個春天想近近地快閃一暏絕美花海?今個 3-4 月一於乘搭 #大灣區航空 直飛 #台北 欣賞盛開花季**!

鍾意玫瑰嘅您,可以前往花博公園新生園區,整個 3 月都有「台北玫瑰展」。花園以古典玫瑰為設計主題,可謂「勁浪漫、超唯美」!

如果想欣賞多種類型嘅花,您可參觀展期同樣喺 3 月開放、位於大安森林公園嘅「台北杜鵑花季」。唔單止有杜鵑花,仲有繡球花、大理花、薰衣草等綻放,讓整個旅程充滿春日氣息!

位置坐落於陽明山竹子湖地區,花期由 3 月 14 日去到 4 月 28 日,一望無際嘅白色花海,實在係療癒感 MAX!

切勿錯過限定盛放花季!台北優惠票價低至港幣 $200*,立即預約前往台北花花世界:https://bit.ly/3uMShh8
如您即日起透過 #大灣區航空客戶服務中心 入手心水機票,更有機會賺取高達 48 萬支付寶香港 A.Point^!

^A.Point 數量有限,送完即止。

【Dive into a Flower Sea in just one second!】

Are you longing for a getaway amidst the beauty of blooming flower seas this spring? Hop on a direct flight with #GreaterBayAirlines to #Taipei during the blooming season from March to April**!

Taipei Rose Festival
Hands up if you’re a rose lover! You can visit Xinsheng Park Area of Taipei Expo Park. The Taipei Rose Festival features a garden designed with classical roses, exuding incredible romance throughout March.

Taipei Azalea Festival
If you want to see a variety of flowers, we strongly recommend you to visit the Taipei Azalea Festival also open in March, located in Daan Forest Park. Youll not only find azaleas here but also hydrangeas, dahlias, lavender, and more. So let’s bathe in the vibrancy of springs atmosphere!

Zhuzihu Calla Lily Festival
Are you embracing a usual preference for a fresh and arty style? From March 14th to April 28th, you can immerse yourself in an expensive sea of white flowers, and enjoy the healing power of flowers!

Don’t miss the limited blooming season! Its time to make your plan to Taipei. Greater Bay Airlines offers Taipei flight tickets as low as HKD 200*. Book now to explore the floral world in Taipei: https://bit.ly/4bOcAeX

Starting now, purchase your tickets through the #GreaterBayAirlinesCustomerServiceCentre, and you can earn up to 484K A.Point^ (valued at approximately HKD 480).

*Terms and conditions apply. Fares excludes taxes and surcharges.
^A.Point available in limited quantity, while supplies last.
**Peak bloom period depends on weather conditions. Event is subject to the organizers discretion.


Sign up for Greater Bay Airlines Newsletter to get advance notice of exciting updates: https://bit.ly/3vHUyu5

#GreaterBayAirlines大灣區航空 #GreatExploraiton #台北花季 #台北賞花


資料來源: 大灣區航空

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