大灣區航空 抓 住夢想之旅優惠

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【「抓」住夢想之旅!送您多個航點雙人來回機票 】

大家平時夾公仔就夾得多,夾走飛行機會又試過未?#大灣區航空 有獎活動熱烈進行中!從即日起至 2024 年 2 月 29 日(活動延長至 2024 年 3 月 31 日!),只要於 #大灣區航空客戶服務中心 購買任何產品(單個口罩除外)即可獲得一次挑戰機會,購買滿港幣 $100 即可獲得兩次機會,$200 三次,如此類推,每人最多有五次機會夾取心水獎品!獎品超豐富,包括雙人來回 #東京、#大阪、#首爾、#曼谷 機票,由 #深圳東海朗廷酒店 、Anantara Riverside Bangkok Resort 和 Avani+ Riverside Bangkok Hotel 送出的豪華酒店住宿、Spa 療程、自助餐券,仲有 KKday 和 AlipayHK 的多地玩樂設施券及 A.Point,總值超過港幣 23 萬!而且無論中獎與否,我哋都送您一張大灣區航空航班優惠券。快啲嚟揀擇心水產品,搶先夾到夢幻旅程!

[Grab the holiday of your dreams! Win Two Roundtrip Flight Tickets to Various Destinations]

Even thought about grabbing more than just stuffed toys from claw machines? Now you can grab a chance to fly for free by taking part in #GreaterBayAirlines exciting giveaway game! From now until 29 February 2024 (extended to 31 March 2024), simply make a purchase (except individual masks) at #GreaterBayAirlinesCustomerServiceCentre for one chance to play! Spend HKD100+ for 2 chances and HKD200+ for 3 chances and so on! Each person can have up to 5 chances to win fantastic prizes! Among prizes with total worth more than HKD 230,000, here’s what you may win: Two Roundtrip tickets to #Tokyo, #Osaka, #Seoul, #Bangkok, a Luxury Hotel Stay sponsored by #TheLanghamHotelShenzhen, #AnantaraRiversideBangkokResort and #AvaniRiversideHotel, Spa Treatment, Buffet Coupon, and International Amusement Facilities passes and A.point by #KKday and #AlipayHK. Even if you cannot grab any of the above, you will also be a winner! You will receive a Greater Bay Airlines flight coupon as a token of our appreciation. So shop now to win your dream vacation!

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資料來源: 大灣區航空

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