銀河 第一屆澳門國際短片節登場推廣

澳門優惠 第一屆澳門國際短片節登場推廣 0

澳門優惠 第一屆澳門國際短片節登場推廣 1

澳門優惠 第一屆澳門國際短片節登場推廣 2

澳門優惠 第一屆澳門國際短片節登場推廣 3

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由文化局及銀河娛樂集團聯合主辦,以推廣本澳影視作品為主題的 #第一屆澳門國際短片節 將於3月23日至30日舉行!期間除了展示本地出產的影視作品之外,更囊括多元化的國際和亞洲電影展映活動、主題工作坊、大師講座及閉幕頒獎典禮等活動。影視迷絕對不可錯過!

節目單元經悉心安排,特別是展映部分為 #澳門短打 、#短片新銳 、#焦點影人 和 #特別展映 四大焦點;有機會觀賞到多部由國際級導演製作的影視作品,如開幕電影《晴空亂流737》。多場放映及多項延伸活動會在戀愛‧電影館、「#澳門銀河」的 「#銀河影院」及 #銀河國際會議中心 舉行 。除了有金馬獎最佳劇情片《石門》夫妻檔導演 #黃驥 及 #大塚龍治 與大家進行深度探討主題工作坊,更有知名日本電影導演 #岩井俊二 會於短片節期間現身現場和大家交流創作心得,帶給大家多元豐富的內容!

立即購票:澳門售票網 www.macauticket.com
活動詳情:“澳門國際短片節”專題網頁 www.macaoisff.com

【Here Comes The 1st Macao International Shorts Film Festival!】
Jointly organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau and Galaxy Entertainment Group, the “1st Macao International Shorts Film Festival” is set to promote local film and television productions, will be held from March 23 to 30. Audience will also be able to enjoy diversified international and Asian films, themed workshops and lectures by masters aside from viewing local productions. A closing and award ceremony will also be held in concluding the festival. Cinemaddicts you must not miss this festival!

The festival programme is magnificent, especially the screening segments, as they are categorized into #MacaoShorts , #NewVoicesFromHorizon , #DirectorInFocus and #SpecialScreenings four diverse focuses; which includes multiple productions by award-wining international directors such as the opening film “AIRHOSTESS-737”. During the event, various screenings and outreach activities will be held at Cinematheque・Passion, the #GalaxyCinemas in #GalaxyMacau and at the #GICC (Galaxy International Convention Centre). In addition to the Golden Horse Award for Best Feature Film Stonewalling, the husband-and-wife team directors #HuangJi and #RyujiOtsuka will conduct an in-depth themed workshop with everyone; famous Japanese Director #ShunjiIwai will also be visiting during event to share his unique film making aesthetics, making this event a truly extraordinary one!

Act now to secure your seats to enjoy the festival!
Ticketing: Macau Ticketing Network www.macauticket.com
Event Details: “Macao International Shorts Film Festival” Official Website www.macaoisff.com
Event Dates: March 23 – 30

#銀河娛樂集團 #澳門銀河 #澳門國際短片節 #GEG #GalaxyMacau #MISFF #MISFF2024 #MacaoInternationalShortsFilmFestival


資料來源: 銀河

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