新濠 鑽級餐廳品味 碧迎居 X 淮揚府黑珍珠晚宴9折優惠

澳門優惠 鑽級餐廳品味 碧迎居 X 淮揚府黑珍珠晚宴9折優惠 0

澳門優惠 鑽級餐廳品味 碧迎居 X 淮揚府黑珍珠晚宴9折優惠 1

澳門優惠 鑽級餐廳品味 碧迎居 X 淮揚府黑珍珠晚宴9折優惠 2

澳門優惠 鑽級餐廳品味 碧迎居 X 淮揚府黑珍珠晚宴9折優惠 3

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【 鑽級餐廳品味 碧迎居 X 淮揚府黑珍珠晚宴】​

頂級與頂級聯手,打造出雙倍非凡盛宴。#新濠影滙 帶嚟兩間 #黑珍珠一鑽餐廳 #碧迎居 及 #淮揚府 嘅合作菜單,畀大家一次過品嚐各款特色菜式!​

碧迎居非凡呈獻:皇牌菜單中嘅 #潮汕老菜脯燉花膠,選用老菜脯、花膠、瑤柱及主廚秘製上湯,經文火慢燉8小時而成,香氣濃郁,順口回甘。仲有鮮味滿分嘅 #漢源花椒腊肉大黃魚,選用由古至今都係筵席上名菜嘅大黃魚,再淋上慢火熬10小時嘅乳白濃醇大黃魚湯,魚肉細膩鮮嫩味美,簡直一試難忘!​

淮揚府非凡呈獻:以 #前菜三拼 打頭陣,帶嚟揚州鹽水鵝、桂花燻鱈魚及桃仁香椿豆腐,分別選用咗12個月鵝齡白鵝、深海銀鱈魚及杭州桂花,同埋時令香椿製作,款款都別具特色。另外有 #淮揚八珍獅子頭,選用三分肥七分瘦嘅黑豚五花肉,製成獅子頭般嘅大肉丸,再用高湯4小時文火慢燉,口感鮮嫩, 肥而不膩,畀你品嚐獨特風味! ​

「碧映宴淮揚」:4月20及21日,新濠影滙 - 碧迎居 ​
價格:每位澳門幣 1,588+​
預約服務:(853) 8865 6650​
🏻‍ 詳情:https://bit.ly/3upmy5D


【 Black Pearl Gastronomic Series: Bi Ying X Huaiyangfu】​

Get ready for a double dose of culinary excellence as two top-tier restaurants join forces! #StudioCity presents a collaboration menu from the renowned #BiYing and #Huaiyangfu from Beijing, offering a wide array of delectable dishes all in one extraordinary feast!​

Bi Yings extraordinary creations:Experience the signature #DoubleBoiledFishMawSoupWithChiuChowPickledRadish, prepared with Chiu Chow Pickled Radish, Fish Maw, dried scallops, and the chefs secret broth, simmered slowly for 8 hours. Its rich in aroma, silky in texture, and leaves a delightful aftertaste. And dont miss the irresistible #SteamedYellowCroakerWithSichuanPepperAndCuredMeat, featuring premium Chinese yellow croaker, steamed to perfection and drizzled with a velvety broth made from a 10-hour stew. The tender and flavorful fish will leave a lasting impression!​

Huaiyangfus acclaimed dish:Start off with the tantalizing #TrioAppetizer, featuring Yangzhou Salted Goose, Shanghainese Smoked Cod, and Chilled Bean Curd with Toona Leaves & Walnut. Each dish is meticulously crafted using aged goose, deep-sea cod, and fragrant toona leaves, offering a delightful variety of flavors. Dont miss the amazing #BraisedEightTreasuresPorkMeatBallInPremiumSoySauce, made from a combination of lean and fatty black pork, handcrafted into exquisite meatballs, and slow-cooked in a premium soy sauce broth for 4 hours. Its tender, juicy, and bursting with unique flavors!​

Huaiyang Diamond Feast: On April 20 and 21, at Studio City - Bi Ying​
Price: MOP 1,588+ per person ​
Reservations: (853) 8865 6650​
🏻‍ Details: https://bit.ly/3w40AFC​​

Remember to register as a member of Melco Style to enjoy a 10% discount: https://mel.qrd.by/e5foxa


資料來源: 新濠

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