澳門優惠 SANRIO CHARACTERS 復活節起萌爆登場免費 0

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好消息⋯⋯Sanrio characters 3月29日起登陸新濠影滙,活動期間設有多個大型裝置免費打卡,仲有萌到爆嘅造型餐飲同主題摩天輪車廂等你萌食萌玩。開幕期間更帶嚟一系列超精彩活動,快啲mark實日期,復活節一齊萌爆新濠影滙啦~詳情:https://bit.ly/3Pwc23M

活動1: 免費坐摩天輪
當日只要穿著Sanrio characters服飾,即可免費坐8字形摩天輪。
日期: 3月29日至3月31日
換領地點: 影滙之星

活動2: 分享有賞
於場內任何Sanrio characters裝置打卡,上載到社交平台並標記兩個或以上指定主題標籤,即送你獨家限定手提袋。
日期: 3月29日至3月31日
換領地點: 酒店大堂/新濠影滙禮品車 (萬寧對面)

活動3: 免費爆谷
為粉絲們準備咗Sanrio characters萌爆爆谷杯,同你歡度萌爆影滙日,感受嘉年華般嘅熱鬧氣氛。
日期: 3月29日至6月30日
換領地點: 酒店大堂

最重要嘅係,3月29日開幕當日HELLO KITTY會親身出現喺新濠影滙同大家互動,快啲投票話畀HELLO KITTY知你哋最想佢帶埋邊個Sanrio characters過嚟啦~

心心 Red Heart: KUROMI
🥰 攬攬 Smiling Face: POMPOMPURIN
開心 Grinning Face: MY MELODY

【#ComingSoon SANRIO CHARACTERS Easter Extravaganza!】

Great news... Get ready for the most Kawaii event of the year! Starting from March 29, the Sanrio characters will be taking over Studio City with a cuteness overload! Prepare to be enchanted by gigantic installations made for selfies moments, delightful snacks with a Sanrio characters twist, and a lineup of exciting adventures just for you. More details: https://bit.ly/3vmNpjb

Activity 1: Free Ride
Dress up in your Sanrio characters to enjoy a free ride on the Golden Reel!
Date: March 29-31
Redemption Location: Golden Reel

Activity 2: Snap and Win
Snap a photo at any Sanrio characters installation and share it on social media to receive an exclusive limited-edition tote bag!
Date: March 29-31
Redemption Location: Hotel Main Lobby/Studio City Gift Cart (opposite Mannings)

Activity 3: Popcorn Party
Immerse yourself in the delightful atmosphere of a carnival and munch on FREE popcorn as you celebrate the magic of this day!
Date: March 29-June 30
Redemption Location: Hotel Main Lobby

Heres the catch: On the grand opening day, the one and only HELLO KITTY will make a special appearance at Studio City, ready to spread happiness and make memories with all of you. Cast your vote and let HELLO KITTY know which Sanrio characters you want her to bring along for an unforgettable adventure! Dont miss out on this Kawaii extravaganza!

#影滙同萌 #Sanriocharacters #新濠影滙 #新濠風尚 #StudioCity #MelcoStyle Sanrio Hong Kong


資料來源: 新濠

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