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澳門優惠 復活節周末必去 新濠影滙多重精彩活動免費 0

澳門優惠 復活節周末必去 新濠影滙多重精彩活動免費 1

澳門優惠 復活節周末必去 新濠影滙多重精彩活動免費 2

澳門優惠 復活節周末必去 新濠影滙多重精彩活動免費 3

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【 #復活節周末必去 新濠影滙多重精彩活動】

今個復活節假期,#新濠影滙 準備好豐富娛樂活動等你嚟!有精彩滿分嘅 #郭富城 演唱會,可以睇舞王載歌載舞,點可以錯過?想一家大細去玩‍‍‍,就可以參加 #費用全免 嘅應節親子樂 #復活節尋蛋嘉年華,免費畀小朋友喺法式庭園尋蛋同玩有獎攤位,充滿童趣咁開心放電~

當然仲有一眾Sanrio characters陪大家玩,各種萌爆打卡點、超萌主題美食,仲會同你一齊搭8字摩天輪 #影滙之星,一齊創造難忘嘅假日回憶!🥚

最後玩完緊喺要食翻餐好嘅~ 一於嚟「星滙餐廳」一家大細嚟暢享豐盛嘅復活節自助午餐。而「羅浮餅廊及輕食」糕餅師亦都特製一系列復活節必食嘅慶節包點,包你精彩歡度重要節日。🧁

更多 #郭富城演唱會 詳情:https://bit.ly/3vte8KA
了解 #復活節星級餐饗 詳情:https://bit.ly/4awzMwR
即睇復活節 #尋蛋嘉年華 詳情:https://bit.ly/4akhtL3
了解 #Sanriocharacters影滙同萌 活動:https://bit.ly/3IUeLjT

【 Easter Fun Galore at Studio City - A Must-Go! 】

Hop into a world of excitement this Easter at #StudioCity! Get ready to be blown away by the electrifying concert of #AaronKwok, where the #PopKing himself will serenade and dance up a storm! If youre looking for a fun-filled family outing ‍‍‍, join the festively delightful Easter Egg Hunt Carnival, where participation is absolutely FREE! Let your little ones hunt for eggs in the French Garden and enjoy exciting prize booths!

Prepare yourself for the presence of adorable #Sanrio characters, Instagram-worthy snapshots , super cute themed food, and a charming ride on the iconic 8-shaped Ferris wheel, the #GoldenReel, with the kawaii Sanrio characters, and create unforgettable holiday memories! 🥚 And fin let’s cap off the festivities with #Spotlight bountiful Easter lunch buffet and #LouvrePastry&Deli Festive Desserts - a delightful way to savor the holiday.

For more details about the #AaronKwokConcert: https://bit.ly/41TsSyI
More details of #AVibrantCelebrationOfFlavor: https://bit.ly/4csAzR7
Check out the Easter #EasterEggHuntCarnival: https://bit.ly/43ndf3a
Discover the #StudioCityCarnival with Sanrio characters: https://bit.ly/43x9c4k


資料來源: 新濠

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