星巴克 原來春天已經過咗一半 想製造最開心嘅野餐回憶4折優惠

澳門優惠 原來春天已經過咗一半 想製造最開心嘅野餐回憶4折優惠 0

澳門優惠 原來春天已經過咗一半 想製造最開心嘅野餐回憶4折優惠 1

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原來春天已經過咗一半……想製造最開心嘅野餐回憶?帶埋Starbucks 嘅Cherry Blossom Collection 系列商品,一齊去親親大自然啦!


Spring is already halfway through… want to create the happiest picnic moment? Bring along Starbucks Cherry Blossom Collection and embrace nature together!

Bring your own tumbler to Starbucks and purchase handcrafted beverages, you can not only reduce the impact on the environment but also enjoy a $4 saving!

Shop now: https://bit.ly/3I7OCNX
#Starbucks #StarbucksMacau


資料來源: 星巴克

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