銀河 銀河十載 無限品味優惠

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銀河十載 無限品味】

十年嚟 #澳門銀河 一直努力為大家帶嚟「舌尖品亞洲 峰味聚銀河」嘅極致餐飲體驗。要慶祝十週年盛事,當然唔少得美食啦!🏻即日起至6月15日,我哋準備好連串美饌禮遇畀大家。除咗有米芝蓮星級名廚私房菜嘅中式「廚師發辦」之外,仲有以十年食材入饌嘅限定佳餚、過往十年嘅人氣菜式及十全十美盛宴等十週年驚喜等住你!用埋 #工銀澳門 信用卡,即享現金立減及信用卡回贈等多重獨家禮遇!快啲嚟澳門銀河,展開十週年精彩美食之旅啦!

【Galaxy Macau Celebrates 10 Spectacular Years with Unlimited Gastronomy 】

As the Dining Destination in Asia, #GalaxyMacau has enticed your taste buds with a bounty of vibrant flavors since day one! So let’s celebrate the historic 10th anniversary milestone with an array of once-in-a-decade offers 🏻from now till June 15. Apart from a ten-course epicurean ‘omakase’ at the private kitchen of Michelin-starred chefs, we are also rolling out limited dishes featuring 10-year-old premium ingredients, popular restaurant signatures throughout the past 10 years, a Perfect-10 feast and many more ! Remember to use your #ICBC credit card for unparalleled dining privileges, including cash and credit card rebate! Come and visit us for a splendid 10th anniversary food journey!

#銀河十載無限品味 #十週年誌慶 #舌尖品亞洲峰味聚銀河 #美食優惠 #私房菜 #澳門美食 #工銀 #工銀簽賬優惠 #10SpectacularYears #UnlimitedGastronomy #10thAnniversary #1diningdestination #ABiteofGalaxy #diningoffer #macaufood #macaufoodie #PrivateKitchen #ICBCoffer #ICBCcreditcard


資料來源: 銀河

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