新濠 火熱加開 Sanrio characters摩天輪主題下午茶推廣

澳門優惠 火熱加開 Sanrio characters摩天輪主題下午茶推廣 0

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【 #火熱加開 Sanrio characters摩天輪主題下午茶 🫖】​


一邊搭摩天輪睇風景,一邊Chill歎下午茶,仲有超萌Sanrio characters陪住你,可以享受由大師巧手烘焙嘅精緻法式糕點🧁,每款都融入咗Sanrio characters特色,可愛到令人唔捨得食。每間包廂仲會免費送一隻獨家Sanrio characters毛公仔,啱晒打卡之餘,仲可以帶返屋企!Book哂就無㗎啦,粉絲們馬上預約啦~ ​

預約日期:由即日起至6月30日 ​
夏日推廣價:澳門幣 1,288 ​

*需要提前預訂,每日限量12份,車廂最多容納4人,可根據喜好預訂指定角色的主題車廂時段。 ​

【EXTEND - Sanrio characters Golden Reel Themed Tea Set🫖】​

Fans who missed out on booking! The Sanrio characters Golden Reel Afternoon Tea Set has been extended from May 31 to Jun 30!​

Enjoy the breathtaking view from the Golden Reel while chilling with a delightful tea set Each delectable treat incorporates the unique characteristics of Sanrio characters, and indulge in exquisitely baked French pastries 🧁 making them irresistibly cute . Plus, each reservation comes with a complimentary Sanrio characters plush toy, allowing you to take a piece of cuteness home while capturing picture-perfect moments. Buy now! ​

Booking Period: From now until Jun 30​
Summer Price: MOP 1,288​
Book Now: https://bit.ly/3vmNpjb

*Advance booking is required. Limited to 12 sets per day, with each booth accommodating a maximum of 4 people. You can also choose to reserve a themed booth featuring your favorite Sanrio characters at your preferred time slot.​

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資料來源: 新濠

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