新濠 童夢天地 童創母親節禮物推廣

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澳門優惠 童夢天地 童創母親節禮物推廣 1

澳門優惠 童夢天地 童創母親節禮物推廣 2

澳門優惠 童夢天地 童創母親節禮物推廣 3

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【 #童夢天地 #童創母親節禮物 】

‍ 母親節快到,想與小孩享受多一點親子時光,「童創」母親節禮物?當然要來擁有17,000平方尺室內空間以及獲得 #SGS衛生控制管理體系認證的 #新濠天地 #童夢天地,讓小孩在充滿天然光的空間暢玩四大主題區,玩得安心又放心!

温馨五月的 #童創花花世界,讓大家可以選擇動動手,設計親子髮飾*或彩繪花瓶*,一齊裝扮或設計裝飾品!另外參加探索玩樂坊*,用雙手、雙腳進行藝術創作,刺激觸覺感知及想像力 。


【 Kids’ City: Create the Perfect Gift on Mothers Day 】

‍ Get ready for a memorable Mothers Day! Join #KidsCity at #CityOfDreams for a fantastic parent-child experience. With 17,000 sq. ft. of indoor space and #SGS #HCMScertificate hygiene control, kids can enjoy 4 amazing themed zones worry-free while basking in the natural light.

Dont miss the upcoming #HappyMothersDay, where you can design hair accessories* or vase painting* with your little one. Kids can also join the interactive sensory art workshop - Messy Play, explore with hands and feet and enhance their tactile perception and imagination.*.

Come and have an extraordinary Mothers Day celebration!
*Fees apply. First come, first served. Terms and conditions apply

童夢天地 – 童創花花世界 Kids’ City: Happy Mothers Day
推廣期 Promotion Period:5月1日至5月12日 May 1-12
位置 Location:新濠天地 3樓 Level 3, City of Dreams
查詢 Enquiries:(853) 8868 3000
🏻‍ 詳情 Details: https://bit.ly/3U8nRhU / https://bit.ly/4444mf2


資料來源: 新濠

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