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一段網球場上的曲折三角戀~《挑戰者》聚焦在一名正值巔峰的女網球選手,突然與到職涯大轉彎的她,將面臨內心情感種種拉扯的人生故事!轉過身帶你回到八十年代黃金時期的香港,透過港產小說漫畫動作電影《九龍城寨之圍城》,與隱世高手保衛城寨!看看《猿人爭霸戰:猩凶帝國》在暴君猩猩帶領之下,猿人族群和人類族群該如何共存? 如果你擁有奇異能力,可以看到別人幻想出來的「腦友」,你會點?《再繫「腦」朋友》話你知! 《芙莉歐莎:末日先鋒傳說》帶你展開連場驚心動魄歷險,引領大家進入最震撼壯麗荊棘的後末日世界!

看電影當然不能少了爆谷啦~ 快來品嚐期間限定的香濃芝士和香甜朱古力口味!出示當日電影票到新駐「#澳門銀河」的日本餐廳 #饗和民, 更可享8折優惠!


【May Blockbusters !】
This May, #GalaxyCinemas bring you a lineup of blockbusters that promise to enchant both your eyes and heart. Dive into a world of cinematic stories with us!

The Challenger” unfolds a dramatic love triangle on the tennis court, centered on a top female tennis player facing a critical moment in her career. Travel back to 1980s Hong Kong with “Twilight Of The Warriors: Walled In”, where secretive masters vow to protect the city, which they have come to regard as their safe haven. How will humans coexist with apes under the rule of a tyrannical ape in Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes? Imagine having the power to see others imaginary buddies—discover how in Imaginary Friends! “FURIOSA: A MAD MAX SAGA” takes you on a heart-stopping journey through a brutal post-apocalyptic landscape.

No movie date is complete without our specialty popcorn! Savor our limited-time gourmet savory cheese and chocolate flavors. Present your movie ticket at the newly opened Japanese restaurant, #KyoWatami and enjoy a 20% off! Join us for an unforgettable cinematic journey this May!

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資料來源: 銀河

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