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澳門優惠 澳門銀河 櫻花文化節登登登場免費 8

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藍鰭金槍魚開魚秀拉開本次活動帷幕!美食美酒、特色表演、好玩的攤位遊戲和工作坊。🥳即日起至5月5日,每日都有不同的東瀛風情在東翼廣場等着你!「#澳門銀河」 多家日本餐廳也紛紛推出櫻花主題美食~

澳門特別行政區政府旅遊局局長文綺華、日本國駐香港總領事館首席領事西海 茂洋、大倉飯店集團全球總料理長澤內 恭,以及銀河娛樂集團首席營運總監—澳門祁嘉杰等重量級嘉賓今天出席了活動的啟動儀式,率先體驗了文化節一站式食、拍、賞、買、玩精彩活動!

順便提醒大家5月5日,澳門大倉酒店將舉行兩場母親節主題花道工作坊,獲日本駐香港總領事館支持,由經驗豐富的導師教你製作獨一無二的藝術品!機會難得,抓緊報名啦!櫻花文化節期間消費滿澳門幣500元或享用指定套餐,還可免費體驗15 分鐘浴衣體驗/手作坊+攤位遊戲/抽獎活動。


【Galaxy Macau Sakura Cultural Festival has Blossomed!】
Kicking off with a spectacular Bluefin Tuna Show, this festival brings you an array of Japanese cuisine, cultural performances, booth games, and workshops every day until May 5 at the East Square🥳!

The opening ceremony was graced by notable guests including Ms. Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, Director of Macao Government Tourism Office; Mr. Nishiumi Shigehiro, Deputy Consul-General, Consulate-General of Japan; Mr. Tadashi Sawauchi, the Global Grand Chef of the Hotel Okura Group, and Mr. Kevin Kelley, Chief Operating Officer, Macau of Galaxy Entertainment Group. They experienced firsthand the one-stop EAT, SNAP, TASTE, SHOP and PLAY festivities!

Don’t miss out on the special Mother’s Day Ikebana Workshop on May 5 at Hotel Okura Macau, supported by the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong. Learn more skilled instructors and create your unique floral masterpiece. Spots are limited, register now! Spend MOP500 or more at Sakura Cultural Festival, or savor a designated set menu at select restaurants can participate in a series of Sakura Festival activities, including a 15-minutes Yukata experience, workshops, booth games, and lucky draws!

Bring your friends and embark on a mesmerizing cherry blossom adventure! Discover more: https://www.galaxyresorts.com/sakura-cultural-festival/

#澳門 #櫻花文化節 #澳門旅遊 #澳門旅行 #澳門美食 #澳門 #櫻花節 #澳門旅遊 #澳門旅行 #日本櫻花 #GalaxyMacau #SakuraFestival #Macau #CherryBlossom


資料來源: 銀河

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