新濠 5日特別限定 影滙萌爆黃金周免費

澳門優惠 5日特別限定 影滙萌爆黃金周免費 0

澳門優惠 5日特別限定 影滙萌爆黃金周免費 1

澳門優惠 5日特別限定 影滙萌爆黃金周免費 2

澳門優惠 5日特別限定 影滙萌爆黃金周免費 3

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【 #5日特別限定 影滙萌爆黃金周 】​

5月1日至5日,#新濠影滙 搵咗Sanrio characters同大家慶祝狂歡,仲帶嚟 #7大驚喜活動 陪你玩盡成個黃金周,即刻睇有咩玩啦: ​

活動1:限定人氣Sanrio characters 見面會
Sanrio characters將會驚喜出現新濠影滙,同大家開心互動,想同佢哋影相打卡就記得要提前鎖定時間同地點喇~​

活動2:「限定Sanrio characters VIP體驗套裝」限量發售​
全球獨家嘅Sanrio characters 限定體驗,包攬一套7款SANRIO CHARACTERS毛公仔連一系列首次推出的限定獨家珍藏禮品及摩天輪包廂體驗兌換券兩張,仲送你獨家尊享嘅HELLO KITTY合照機會,粉絲們絕對要入手!​

活動3:免費乘坐8字形摩天輪 及 新登場主題影貼機​
5月1日當日身穿或佩帶任何Sanrio characters衣飾,就可以免費體驗8字形摩天輪 ;頭100位合資格者仲可以免費體驗埋主題影貼機,留低最難忘嘅時光!​

消費即賞5月1日強勢回歸~機會嚟啦,5月1日至7日首50位去兌換仲可以換走限量版 Sanrio characters毛公仔添🧸!​


活動6: 瀛菊拉麵限定造型美食萌動登場 ​

送你Sanrio characters主題爆谷杯 ,一齊感受超萌甜蜜滋味!​


【 #5-Day Special: Sanrio characters Golden Week Extravaganza】​

To celebrate the upcoming Golden Week, #StudioCity has find the famous Sanrio characters for a grand celebration with you! Featuring 7 exciting activities from May 1 - 5. Discover the enchantment that awaits: ​

Activity 1: Meet & Greet with Sanrio characters​
Get ready for surprise encounters with Sanrio characters at Studio City. Mark your calendars to interact and capture adorable moments with them!​

Activity 2: Limited Sanrio characters VIP experience Package​
Experience a special package featuring exclusive premeums gift set, a Golden Reel cabin experience for twice. And free chance to take chance with Sanrio characters mascot. Dont miss your chance to own these exclusive experience !​

Activity 3: FREE Golden Reel and NEW Sanrio characters Photo Booth experience​
Dress up in any SANRIO CHARACTERS clothing or accessories to ride the Golden Reel for free. The first 100 qualified participants on day can also experience the themed photo booth for free.​

Activity 4: Spend & Get​
Spend & Get redemption is coming back on May 1🧸. During May 1 – May 7 will contribute a selected Sanrio character plush for the first 50 redemptions per day. Grab it while stocks last!​

Activity 5: Snap & Win​
After taking cute photos, share them on social media and receive a free random limited-edition gift!​

Activity 6: Exclusive Cute & Delicious Kiku Ramen ​
Start from May 1, #KikuRamen will present a limited-edition set menu of adorable and tasty Japanese cuisine for kids to savor.​

Activity 7: Free Sanrio characters-themed Popcorn​
Receive a Sanrio characters-themed popcorn cup and enjoy the delightful sweetness together!​

For more detailed information about the activities, please visit: https://bit.ly/3vmNpjb

#新濠影滙 #新濠風尚 #影滙同萌 #Sanriocharacters #StudioCity #MelcoStyle Sanrio Hong Kong


資料來源: 新濠

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