戀愛電影館 獨家獻映推介

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【#獨家獻映】ᴱˣᶜˡᵘˢᶦᵛᵉ ˢᶜʳᵉᵉⁿᶦⁿᵍ

後 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼 𝐀l𝐥 𝐒h𝐚l𝐥 𝐁e W𝐞l𝐥


2024年 柏林影展泰迪熊獎 - 最佳劇情片
2024年 香港國際電影節開幕電影
《叔·叔》導演 #楊曜愷 最新社會議題力作

Angie(區嘉雯 飾)與同性伴侶 Pat(李琳琳 飾)廝守四十載。Pat 突然在夢中猝死,遺下 Angie 孤身一人。Pat 生前並無訂立遺囑,她的離世引發了血親和 Angie 的利益衝突,打破了原本一家人和樂融融的局面。家庭成員軟硬兼施,渴望爭奪二人本該一同廝守終老的安樂窩。Angie 既要承受喪偶之痛,同時要與伴侶的家人在良知、道德和情感之間多方周旋。



【4月・電影館推介 Charms 】
#從今以後 𝐀l𝐥 𝐒h𝐚l𝐥 𝐁e W𝐞l𝐥
─── 場次表 ᵀᶦᵐᵉ ᵀᵃᵇˡᵉ ───
5/5 (SUN) - 19:30
5/10 (FRI) - 20:00
5/12 (SUN) - 16:30
5/18 (SAT) - 19:30
5/25 (SAT) - 21:30

★ World Premiere in the Panorama section at the 74th Berlin International Film Festival and won the Teddy Award for best LGBTQ-themed feature film
★ Opening film 48th Hong Kong International Film Festival

Angie and Pat are a lesbian couple who have been together for over four decades. Angie’s relationship with Pat‘s Family members has always been very close. When Pat passes away unexpectedly, Angie begins to feel increasingly alienated from Pat’s family.

Pat did not leave a will, Angie has no legal rights to the property that they had been living in as it was solely under Pat’s name. Under Hong Kong law, the property will automatically go to Pat‘s next of kin. Angie is left at the mercy of her partner’s family and tries to convince them to let her stay in the apartment. However, each family member has his or her own agenda regarding the property. In the end Angie is faced with either fighting for what she believes is rightfully hers or giving up the home that she and Pat had built and lived in for decades.

Director: Ray Yeung
Cast: Patra Au, Maggie Li Lin Lin

⁀➴ #從今以後 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼 𝐀l𝐥 𝐒h𝐚l𝐥 𝐁e W𝐞l𝐥
⁀➴ #正欲 ✶ (𝐀𝐛)𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞


資料來源: 戀愛電影館

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