新濠 新濠影滙 祝樂壇天后 容祖兒 生日快樂優惠
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【 #新濠影滙 祝樂壇天后 #容祖兒 生日快樂 】
今日係祖兒嘅生日,一齊同Joey度過 #最好時光 !祝福佢生日快樂,繼續大展歌喉、發光發熱!
各位粉絲一定要把握同祖兒創造美好回憶嘅機會,7、8月喺 #新濠影滙 嘅《容祖兒Eternity演唱會2024》,我地到時見!
另外, #容祖兒Eternity演唱會2024 仲有多款 #不容錯失 嘅演唱會套票,想有超舒適嘅演唱會體驗就一定唔可以錯過「華麗邂逅」演唱會尊尚住宿套票,包含左演唱會門票2張同一晚豪華套房住宿,仲有澳門幣1,000消費回贈,都只喺澳門幣5,699起!立即 #九秒九 搶飛,一齊享受非凡演唱會之旅啦!
【 #StudioCity wishes #HongKongMusicQueen Joey Yung Happy Birthday 】
Today is Joeys birthday, lets all join in celebrating #TheBestOfTimes with Joey! Wishing her a happy birthday, may she continue to shine bright and showcase her extraordinary vocal talents!
Fans must seize the opportunity to create wonderful memories with Joey. In July and August, #JoeyYungEternityConcert2024 will be held at #StudioCity . See you all there!
Now, #JoeyYungEternityConcert2024 has several a wide variety of concert packages. Want a truly luxurious concert experience? You cant miss the Glamorous Premium Concert Hotel Package. Including concert tickets for two and one-night stay in luxury suite, plus MOP 1,000 consumption rebate, all for just MOP 5,699 up. Purchase your package now and enjoy an extraordinary entertainment experience together!
Package details and information: https://bit.ly/3QdWj9Q
^Offers are subject to terms and conditions. Please click the link for more details.
#LiveConcert #JoeyYung #Macau #StudioCityMacau #MelcoStyle #演唱會 #容祖兒演唱會 #容祖兒澳門演唱會 #容祖兒澳門演唱會2024 #新濠演唱會 #容祖兒生日 #生日快樂
資料來源: 新濠