銀河 夏天推廣

澳門優惠 夏天推廣 0

澳門優惠 夏天推廣 1

澳門優惠 夏天推廣 2

澳門優惠 夏天推廣 3

澳門優惠 夏天推廣 4

澳門優惠 夏天推廣 5

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!

【夏天,進補養生的黃金期到了! 】
出身中醫世家的林浩朝醫師再次聯手 「#澳門銀河」的名廚,為大家打造了一套夏季養生食療菜單!由 #百樂潮州酒樓 行政總廚陳漢財師傅掌勺,以五道養生菜式,搭配消暑去濕的茶品,帶你感受潮菜精髓和中醫藥食同源的神奇奧妙!


#彭慶記 及 #銀河氹仔漁村 也沒落下,同時推出了能健脾排濕、降酸利骨的「牛大力淮山車前草燉排骨湯」養生湯!趁着夏天養生好時機,不僅要吃的美味,更要吃得健康喲~

查詢及訂座:+853 8883 2221
了解更多: https://www.galaxymacau.com/zh-hant/dzwFg4rA1k/

【 Summer is the golden season for nourishment! 】
Once again, TCM practitioner Dr. Lam Hou Chio teams up with renowned chefs at #GalaxyMacau to craft a summer wellness menu . Executive Chef Raymond Chan from #PakLohChiuChowRestaurant leads the culinary charge, presenting dishes that harmonize the essence of Chiu Chow cuisine with ingredients that are packed with health benefits

Savor expertly prepared dishes that cool, detox, and rejuvenate, paired with specialty teas , including Imperial Elixir – Pu-erh Tea Paste selected by national tea champion Andrew U. Experience the pinnacle of tea excellence with every sip!

Don’t miss out on other health-boosting specialties at Pang’s Kitchen and Galaxy Macau Tam Chai Yu Chun, perfect for strengthening the spleen and aiding digestion during the sultry summer months. Embrace this perfect time to dine deliciously and healthfully!

Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant
Promotional Period: Jul 8 to Aug 4
For enquiries or reservations: +853 8883 2221
Location: G/F, Galaxy Macau (near Pearl Lobby)

Learn more: https://www.galaxymacau.com/770FsSa0RV/

#澳門 #澳門美食 #澳門旅遊 #澳門旅行 #夏日養生


資料來源: 銀河

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!