金沙 多重好禮來襲78折優惠
優惠期: 2024-08-01 至 2024-09-30 己過期 (以內文作準*)
多重好禮來襲!即日起至9月30日,凡於雅麗The Atrium、雅婷Temptation單筆消費滿澳門幣3,000元並出示購物收據,即可獲得Dufry x Popcorn Prince環保餐具*!此外,由即日起至8月18日,會員於雅麗The Atrium、雅婷Temptation購買任何正價貨品滿澳門幣3,000元,更可享專屬78折優惠*。禮品數量有限,快到威尼斯人購物中心及巴黎人購物中心挑選心水貨品!
雅麗 The Atrium:威尼斯人購物中心聖獅街三樓203號舖
雅婷 Temptation:巴黎人購物中心薇安拱廊三樓307-309及五樓510號舖
Attention! From now till September 30, spend MOP3,000 or more in a single transaction at The Atrium, Temptation, and present your receipt to get a free Dufry x Popcorn Prince Eco-friendly Tableware gift set*! Moreover, members can enjoy 22% off when purchasing full priced items over MOP3,000. Visit Shoppes at Venetian, Shoppes at Parisian now as the number of gift sets are limited!
*Terms and conditions apply
The Atrium: Shop 203, Level 3, Lion Street, Shoppes at Venetian
Temptation: Shop 307-309 & 510, Level 3 & 5, Galerie Vivienne, Shoppes at Parisian
#澳門威尼斯人 #VenetianMacao #澳門巴黎人 #ParisianMacao
資料來源: 金沙