

麗思卡爾頓 讓身心踏進遠離喧囂的恬靜之境推廣

澳門優惠 讓身心踏進遠離喧囂的恬靜之境推廣 0

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Immerse yourself in a serene state of mind with a luxurious spa treatment at The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Macau. Renowned for its remarkable anti-aging and skin-boosting properties, our newest spa experience encompasses the essence of Australian Black Truffle, showcasing the wonders of this miracle ingredient. Begin your treatment with a gentle exfoliation, followed by an invigorating body massage that allows the enriching nutrients sooth the skin from outside in. Delight in decadent Truffle-infused canapé alongside a glass of Champagne for a blissful escape. Reserve now and receive an exclusive spa gift set that will leave you with unforgettable #RCMemories.
Promotion period: From now until November 14, 2024
Reserve now: +853 8886 6608

讓身心踏進遠離喧囂的恬靜之境,於「#澳門麗思卡爾頓水療中心」體驗「奢華黑松露水療之旅」。以抗衰老及修復功效而聞名,採用澳洲黑松露的90分鐘水療護理先以松露精華為身體去除角質,再以松露精油進行舒壓按摩,為肌膚保濕提亮。護理結束後,您更可享用香檳及松露主題美點,並獲贈限定禮品,延續美好難忘的 #麗思卡爾頓回憶。
推廣日期: 即日起至2024年11月14日
立即預訂:+853 8886 6608

#RitzCarltonMacau #RitzCarltonSpa


資料來源: 麗思卡爾頓

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