金沙 正式開賣9折優惠
優惠期: 2024-08-22 至 2024-12-31 己過期 (以內文作準*)
正式開賣!《Dahlia Blossom The Prime Classics Live 2024 張敬軒澳門演唱會》門票現已公開發售,只限網上及電話訂票。想近距離感受軒公舞台魅力的粉絲們,記得搶票啦!https://bit.ly/4fLY3CB
Attention! Online and phone ticketing for Dahlia Blossom Hins Cheung The Prime Classics Live 2024 is officially on sale now! Calling out all fans, dont miss this chance to experience Hins’s incredible stage up close! Snag your tickets now! https://bit.ly/3XdmocU
*From now until 31 December, guest can enjoy a 10% off offer while purchase ferry ticket at designated Cotai Water Jet ticketing counter by present the ticket of Sands Resort Macao show or concert, or exhibition.
#澳門倫敦人 #LondonerMacao #金沙娛樂 #SandsEntertainment
重磅消息!香港樂壇天王張敬軒將於10月再臨倫敦人綜藝館,帶來第三章節的《the PRIME CLASSICS》與樂迷見面!每次出現,張敬軒皆以動人歌聲「軒」動現場每一位觀眾的心弦,並以幽默言辭帶來諸多歡樂。門票將於8月22日中午12:00公開發售,只限網上及電話訂票。請密切關注專頁,留意門票發售的最新消息。
【Dahlia Blossom Prime Classics Live 2024 張敬軒澳門演唱會】
日期: 2024年10月18 - 20、25 - 27日 及 11月1 - 3、8 - 10日
地點: 倫敦人綜藝館
票價: 澳門幣/港幣VIP區 $1,680 | A區 $1,380 | B區$980 | C區$680
*本次演唱會成功交易的門票可於9月30日起至演出當天於售票處營運時間內領取 。
Attention! The famous Hong Kong singer Hins Cheung is returning to The Londoner Arena in the coming October with the third chapter of the PRIME CLASSICS! Hins will be captivating the audience with his signature vocal style and heartfelt emotion while bringing a lot of joy with his sense of humor. Online and phone ticketing will start from 12:00pm on August 22. Stay tuned for the latest ticket sales information.
【Dahlia Blossom Hins Cheung Prime Classics Live 2024】
Date: October 18-20, 25-27; November 1-3, 8-10, 2024
Time: 8:00 P.M. on Fridays & Saturdays; 7:00 P.M on Sundays
Venue: The Londoner Arena
Ticket Pricing: MOP/HKD VIP $1,680 | A Reserve $1,380 | B Reserve $980 | C Reserve $680
Ticketing Channel: Cotai Ticketing, Macau Ticket
*Upon successful purchase, the event ticket can be collected at Box Office within operation hours starting from 30 September until event day.
#澳門倫敦人 #LondonerMacao #金沙娛樂 #SandsEntertainment
資料來源: 金沙