

戀愛電影館 用戰慄引爆你的心臟推介

澳門優惠 用戰慄引爆你的心臟推介 0

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⋮ #長腿 :.
8.25 惡魔降臨 X.

橫跨 30 年的 10 宗滅門慘案,兇手「長腿」仍然在逃
《鬼上你的床》#瑪嘉夢露 X《大叔夢中人》金像影帝 #尼古拉斯基治

驚奪爛番茄 100% 好評,全美首周末狂賣二千萭票房。擊敗《祖孽》,榮登近十年恐怖片最高開畫紀錄冠軍,驚慄打造年度最心寒話題懼獻!

新晉 FBI 探員莉因擁有超強的神秘第六感,奉命加入調查橫跨 30 年的連環滅門謀殺案。由署名「長腿」的詭異信件展開調查,一系列解碼後,發現所有遇害家庭都有一個共通點:有一位 14 號生日的小女生。隨著調查越發深入,一切謎團似乎即將解開之際,莉意外發現「長腿」竟和自己的童年噩夢有著不尋常連結,隱藏多年的黑暗秘密亦隨之揭曉......


【電影館.推介 Charms 】
─── 場次表 ᵀᶦᵐᵉ ᵀᵃᵇˡᵉ ───
8/25 (SUN) - 22:00
9/3 (TUE) - 19:30
9/7 (SAT) - 21:30
9/12 (THU) - 19:30

The scariest film of the last 10 years!
Longlegs, the murderer of 10 tragic murders spanning 30 years, is still at large
Box office beating Hereditary and Parasite
Maika Monroe X Nicolas Cage

In pursuit of a serial killer, an FBI agent uncovers a series of occult clues that she must solve to end his terrifying killing spree.

It has received 100% positive feedback from Rotten Tomatoes and has sold over $20 million at the box office on its opening weekend in the United States. Beating Hereditary to become the highest opening horror movie of the past decade.

Director: Oz Perkins
Cast: Juliette Gariépy, Laurie Babin, Maxwell McCabe-Lokos

《長腿》 ➑.➋➎ ②②:⓪⓪ #暗夜戰慄場


資料來源: 戀愛電影館

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