澳門觀光塔 畢業啦喂半價優惠

澳門優惠 畢業啦喂半價優惠 0

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【畢業啦喂!|人生點都要有個難忘嘅成人禮 + 謝師宴】

#天下無不散之筵席 作為應屆 #畢業生 嘅你,即將要同並肩作戰嘅同學仔、亦師亦友嘅老師各散東西,難免會有種依依不捨嘅感覺。不如趁踏入人生另一個階段之前,喺彼此嘅腦海裏面建立多一個珍貴回憶啦!而家 #澳門旅遊塔 為大家準備咗「 畢業の成人禮 + #謝師宴 」套餐俾你同摯友狂歡一番 & 答謝每一位默默為你付出過嘅老師。只要喺 5 月 31 號或之前預訂及支付訂金,仲會有限時優惠添!大家準備好為呢次難忘時刻劃上完美嘅句號未🏻‍♀‍?

🏻‍謝師宴 #限時優惠 :
2021 年 5 月 31 日或之前預訂及支付訂金,即豁免菜譜 10% 服務費。

「畢業の成人禮 + 謝師宴」套餐 (預訂自助餐 100 位 / 中式菜譜 10 席或以上,每席 MOP 4,700)
謝師宴酒席享用 3 小時免費汽水任飲
澳門旅遊塔餐飲現金券 MOP 500
Skypark Macau Tower by AJ Hackett 空中漫步及旅遊塔門票 3 張
半價體驗 Skypark Macau Tower by AJ Hackett 空中漫步

更多訂座優惠 / 詳情:
:(853) 8988 8870
[email protected]

【Its Graduation Season! |A Once-in-a-lifetime Occasion for Celebration & Teacher Appreciation】

All gatherings must come to an end. As a #graduate , you are going to say farewell to your beloved schoolmates and caring teachers. Feeling unwilling to part? Why not enrich your memory with another memorable event - Come to Macau Tower to enjoy the Graduation Package with your friends and treat your teachers with a nice feast! Make a reservation and pay the deposit by 31 May to enjoy the time-limited offer! It should ring down the curtain in a wonderful way!

🏻‍Graduation Package Time-limited Offer:
Make a reservation and pay the deposit by 31 May 2021 and enjoy a waiver of 10% service charge on the menu

Graduation Package (MOP 4,700 / table - for a reservation of 100 heads for buffet / 10 tables of Chinese banquet)
Complimentary 3-hour free flow of soft drinks during banquet
Macau Tower F&B MOP 500 cash coupon
Complimentary 『 Skypark Macau Tower by AJ Hackett 』 Skywalk and admission tickets for 3 persons
50% discount of 『 Skypark Macau Tower by AJ Hackett』 Skywalk for students

For more details of special offer / reservation:
:(853) 8988 8870
[email protected]


資料來源: 澳門觀光塔

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