銀河 即將開售 藥師寺寬邦 悟 亞洲巡迴演唱會澳門站優惠
優惠期: - 將開始 (以內文作準*)
#即將開售 【藥師寺寬邦「悟」亞洲巡迴演唱會澳門站】
破億瀏覽量佛經音樂創作人,日本音樂僧侶 薬師寺寛邦 キッサコ / Kanho Yakushiji Kissaquo ,繼2023年「福願」世界巡演音樂會大受好評後,今年將首度舉辦他的亞洲巡迴演唱會澳門站。今次音樂會除咗《心經》、《大悲咒》、《楞嚴咒》、《藥師如來真言》等大家耳熟能詳嘅歌曲外,亦將帶來全新專輯嘅多首歌曲;而演唱會正與新專輯「悟」同名,意在體悟、感知與了解,不僅僅是尋找答案,更是身心的解放,以「悟」為題,對自我探索與對未來祝福的角度出發,給大家全新的音樂感受。
機會難逢,藥師寺寬邦亞洲感悟之旅,10月26日在 #百老匯舞台 上演,祥和佛音,期待與您結緣。
演出地點:「澳門百老匯」- 百老匯舞台
門票價格:澳門幣/港幣 $780 / $580 / $380
公開售票:2024年9月10日 下午1時(星期二)
出品:MUGEN Creations
#UpcomingShow 【Kanho Yakushiji “Satori” Asia Tour 2024 Live in Macao】
The Japanese music monk #KanhoYakushiji will hold his Asian tour in Macau after the successful of <2023 Blessings world tour concert >. In addition to the familiar songs, this concert will also bring the songs from the new album “Satori” ; which is the same name of the tour, meaning to realize, perceive and understand. It is not only about finding answers, but also the liberation of body and mind. From the “Satroi” conert, you will have a new musical experience from the perspective of self-exploration and blessing for the future.
Grab your chance to meet Kanho Yakushiji in #BroadwayTheatre on Oct 26!
Show Date: Oct 26, 2024 (Saturday)
Show Time: 8pm
Show Venue: Broadway Theatre, Broadway Macau
Ticket Price: MOP/HKD $780 / $580 / $380
Ticketing Date: 1pm, Sep 10 (Tuesday)
Ticketing Platform: Broadway Macau (broadwaymacau.com.mo) / Cityline(cityline.com) / Macau Ticket (macauticket.com) / Damai (damai.cn) / Trip (trip.com) / mCoin
Organizer: Chessman Entertainment & Production Co. Ltd. / SSU Entertainment / Wanxing International Entertainment Culture
Producer: MUGEN Creations
Supporting Unit: Alves Café
Please refer to the organizer’s page for further notice and information
Stay tuned also to our special offer on show tickets and accommodation at #BroadwayHotel!
#藥師寺寬邦 #KanhoYakushiji #音樂僧侶 #悟SatoriTour2024 #悟 #棋人娛樂 #光尚娛樂 #萬星國際娛樂文化 #MUGENCreations #阿維斯咖啡 #澳門銀河 #澳門百老匯 #百老匯舞台
資料來源: 銀河