金沙 工銀金沙時尚萬事達卡 為全新客戶獻上雙重迎新禮遇優惠
優惠期: 2024-09-25 至 2024-12-31 己過期 (以內文作準*)
🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!
「工銀金沙時尚萬事達卡」為全新客戶獻上雙重迎新禮遇!即日起至2024年12月 31日,首 500 名成功申請的持卡者只要消費滿澳門幣3,800元,即可免費換領2張金光飛航標準艙船票(只適用於市區航線);於澳門金沙度假區指定商戶消費滿澳門幣48,000元更賞你「巴黎人自助餐」雙人晚餐!了解更多:https://bit.ly/4dl6RwP
ICBC Sands Lifestyle Mastercard presents dual welcome offers for new cardholders! From now until December 31, 2024, the first 500 new applicants can receive 2 Cotai Water Jet Cotai Class ferry tickets (city route only) upon spending a minimum of MOP3,800! Moreover, new cardholders can receive dinner buffet for two at Le Buffet by a minimum spending of MOP48,000 at designated merchants in Sands Resorts Macao! Learn more: https://bit.ly/3N2fZLK
*Terms and conditions apply.
#澳門巴黎人 #ParisianMacao
資料來源: 金沙
🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!