君悅酒店 隨心悅遊優惠


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隨心悅遊,盡享優惠。於澳門君悅酒店預訂您的下一個旅程可享有標準房價85折優惠及免費早餐,更可以透過靈活的預訂取消政策,讓您安心預訂,悅享愜意住宿體驗。成為凱悅天地會員,更可享有標準房價82折優惠。2021 年 4 月 2 日之前預訂,並於 9 月 12 日前入住酒店。立即預訂,計劃您的精彩之旅: https://bit.ly/3tpsENl

Choose your adventure, choose your offer. Your next adventure at Grand Hyatt Macau could save up to 15% off on standard rate, inclusive of daily fast, and a restful stay with a flexible cancellation policy. World of Hyatt member save up to 18% off on standard rate. Book by April 2, 2021 for stays through September 12, 2021. Reserve now and start planning your journey: https://bit.ly/3tpsENl

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資料來源: 君悅酒店

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