銀河 本周演唱會福利 來看表演的朋友們85折優惠

澳門優惠 本周演唱會福利 來看表演的朋友們85折優惠 0

澳門優惠 本周演唱會福利 來看表演的朋友們85折優惠 1

澳門優惠 本周演唱會福利 來看表演的朋友們85折優惠 2

澳門優惠 本周演唱會福利 來看表演的朋友們85折優惠 3

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!


即日起至10月31日,憑此期間的 #銀河綜藝館 、#百老匯舞台 及 #GBox 演出門票,可享#蒼蘭訣VR體驗#買1送1優惠!(每天前10名到店的幸運者還將額外獲得指定甜品一份!) 購票詳情:https://www.galaxyresorts.com.cn/love-between-fairy-and-devil-vr-experience-center-galaxy-macautm/?mark_id=999_reallog_mark_ad%3A999%7CWeiboADNatural

憑銀河綜藝館或百老匯舞台當天演出門票,可於 #澳門銀河、#澳門百老匯 指定餐廳享低至85折優惠!


【Galaxy Macau Concert Ticket Perks! 】
Attending a show at Galaxy Macau? Your ticket unlocks more than just the performance!

From now until Oct 31, present your show ticket of #GalaxyArena, #BroadwayTheatre, or GBox to enjoy a “Buy 1 Get 1 Free” offer on the Love Between Fairy and Devil VR experience! (The first 10 guests will receive a complimentary dessert!)For more details: https://www.galaxymacau.com/love-between-fairy-and-devil-vr-experience-center-galaxy-macautm/

Present your concert ticket on the day of the show for up to 15% off at select restaurants across #GalaxyMacau and #BroadwayMacau. Combine top-tier entertainment with gourmet dining for the ultimate resort experience!

From Oct 25 to 28, unlock an exclusive 20% discount at DFS Macau, Galaxy Macau(Beauty) by presenting your Galaxy Arena concert ticket! Spend a designated amount and treat yourself to complimentary makeup and hairstyling services. Make your concert experience even more memorable with this exclusive offer!

#澳門銀河蒼蘭訣vr #澳門銀河 #蒼蘭訣 #蒼蘭訣VR沉浸式體驗館 #銀河時尚匯 #GalaxyPromenade


資料來源: 銀河

🙈 GO 機票酒店比價!