新濠 無窮滋味 慶賀秋收推廣
優惠期: 2024-11-25 至 2024-12-01 己過期 (以內文作準*)
【 無窮滋味 慶賀秋收】
一年將盡,由 #感恩節 為連串慶祝節目掀起序幕!意式海鮮扒房 #奧羅拉 為你送上 感恩節晚餐,讓你與親朋知己一同相聚,品味精緻可口的慢烤火雞卷與時令秋收南瓜千層酥,配上傳統的意式佳餚,最後以香甜可口的焦糖蘋果核桃批為你的晚上作結,讓相聚時刻更圓滿。
【奧羅拉 | 感恩節晚餐】
價錢:澳門幣 1,888(三至四人用餐)
推廣期:11 月 25 日至 12 月 1 日
位置︰#新濠鋒 10樓,餐廳大樓
營業時間︰12:00 - 15:00,18:00 - 22:00
【 Celebrating fall with culinary delights】
This year has been a rollercoaster ride, so lets celebrate with festive feasts and commence a string of festivities by starting with #Thanksgiving! Indulge in this sumptuous Thanksgiving feast at the Italian Seafood Steak House #Aurora. Relish in the delicate flavors of Slow Roasted Turkey Roulade and seasonal pumpkin “Millefeuille” crafted to perfection. Complemented by a selection of traditional Italian delicacies and wrapping your evening up with the Caramel Apple Pecan Pie, ensuring that your moments of togetherness are enriching and memorable.
【Aurora | Thanksgiving Sharing Menu】
Pricing: MOP 1,888 (for 3-4 pax)
Promotion Period: November 25 – December 1
Location: Level 10, #Altira, F&B Tower
Opening Hours: 12:00 - 15:00, 18:00 - 22:00
Reservation: https://bit.ly/4fqlzEk
資料來源: 新濠