君悅酒店 春回大地,品嚐當季食材份外味美


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春回大地,品嚐當季食材份外味美。滿堂彩於三月起呈獻 “春季推廣菜”,推出一系列以春筍及春椿等時令食材入饌的限定菜式,喚醒春天獨有的味道。春椿被稱為 「樹上蔬菜」,滿堂彩主廚董師傅特意選用來自雲南的優質香椿,此時的香椿芽嫩而無渣,香味馥郁,最適宜入饌,香氣十足的 “鮮蝦帶子拌香椿” 及可口的 “農家香椿炒雞蛋” 更能體驗其獨特的香氣。春筍被譽為春天的「菜王」,蕴含豐富營養,董師傅保留春筍最原始的鮮甜、爽脆,再以芳醇風味的獨門醬汁燜煮出 “油燜香辣鮮春筍”,鮮甜豐醇的口感,讓人齒頰留芳。供應日期為‪3月11日至4月30日。立即預訂,品嚐屬於春天的滋味: +853 8868 1930 或 https://bit.ly/2NqOVea

It is the best time to savor the delicacies of the season when spring returns! Starting from March, Beijing Kitchen presents spring-inspired “Seasonal Spring Promotion”, launching a series of limited dishes with seasonal ingredients of bamboo shoots and Chinese toona. Chinese toona, known as “vegetables on the tree”, are the tender shoots of Chinese toona tree. Chef Dong from Beijing Kitchen has carefully selected the high-quality toona from Yunnan that are tender in texture with rich fragrance. You can experience the unique aroma of Chinese toona by savoring the fresh and luscious “Marinated scallop, prawn, Chinese toona” and “Pan-fried egg, Chinese toona”. Prized as “king of the forest vegetables”, bamboo shoots are highly nutritious for health. “Stewed bamboo shoot, dried chili” is truly tempting with Chef Dong’s secret sauce, bringing out the original flavor and crispness of bamboo shoot with pleasant aftertaste. Available from March 11 to April 30. Reserve now and enjoy the taste of spring: +853 8868 1930 or https://bit.ly/2NqOVea

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資料來源: 君悅酒店

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