銀河 銀河盆菜 傳承風味推廣
優惠期: 2025-01-01 至 2025-02-07 進行中 (以內文作準*)
【銀河盆菜 • 傳承風味】
代代相傳、寓意盆滿缽滿的盆菜絕對是農曆新年必備的菜式!一層層不同的食材都有它的故事,不僅代表著着喜悅,也象徵着團圓。「澳門銀河」藉著這個喜悅的季節,號召旗下中餐廳的名廚,合力打造兩款口味的盆菜,弘揚這充滿地方特色的文化。遵從香港元朗圍村風味的「圍村情懷盆菜」,匯聚 #海參 、 #鮑魚 、髮菜等多款矜貴賀年食材,上層珍饈的精華,被底層的肉品及鮮蔬充分吸收,愈吃愈入味!今年更創新地打造「中華百味盆菜」以花椒麻辣 #川味 ,貫穿「澳門銀河」9大中餐廳的代表佳餚,包括北京果木烤鴨、順德蓮藕餅、氹仔漁村招牌雞等等,層層疊加,香辣美味!
「圍村情懷盆菜」 - 澳門元1,688 (10人份)
「中華百味盆菜」 - 澳門元1,988 (8人份)
禮券換領︰ 2025年1月13日至2月7日
訂購詳情︰+853 8883 2221
購買地點︰花悅庭、北膳樓、百樂潮州酒樓、銀河氹仔漁村、彭慶記 、莆田、川渝人家、鹿港小鎮、華嫂冰室
【Galaxy Macau Poon Choi Extravaganza】
Family reunion dinner is believed to be the most important part of the Lunar New Year in Chinese culture, symbolizing appreciation, and good fortune. This year, #GalaxyMacau continue brings together the master chefs of its signature Chinese restaurants promoting Poon Choi culture by presenting a Poon Choi Extravaganza!
Highlights include the Hong Kong Walled Village Poon Choi, a luxurious upgrade of the original version enjoyed by the Walled Villagers. The umami-rich jus of the premium delicacies from the top layers is soaked up by an assortment of ingredients at the bottom. The whole dish comes together in savory harmony.
Another one is the Hot & Spicy Poon Choi, a sumptuous celebration of the diverse flavors of China, with the signature ingredients of 9 Galaxy Macau Chinese restaurants further enhanced by a tongue-tingling Sichuan spicy sauce.
Spice up your celebration with these luxurious dishes, or make it a festive gift for your loved ones. Redemption vouchers are available for purchase.
Hong Kong Walled Village Poon Choi – MOP1,688 (for 10 pax)
Hot & Spicy Poon Choi – MOP1,988 (for 8 pax)
Vouchers available from 2025.1.1-2.7
Redemption period: 2025.1.13-2.7
Reservation & Enquiries: +853 8883 2221
Redemption location: Blossom Palaces, Bei Shan Lou, Pak Loh Chiu Chow Restaurant, Galaxy Macau Tam Chai Yu Chun, Pang’s Kitchen, Putien, Spicy Sichuan, Lugang Cafe and Waso Cafe
*Photos for reference only.
#舌尖品亞洲峰味聚銀河 #澳門美食 #GalaxyMacau #macaufood #macaufoodie #ChineseNewYear #ing
資料來源: 銀河