銀河 新春購物享高達7 返現禮物
優惠期: 2025-01-24 至 2025-02-09 己過期 (以內文作準*)
今個農曆新年,#銀河時尚匯 為你搜羅了多不勝數的奢華時尚新品、新春限定單品、品牌工作坊等獨家購物體驗,更帶來高達7%購物返現,讓你煥然一新迎接蛇年!
1月24日至2月9 日,於銀河時尚匯購物可享:
購物滿 $20,000 可獲高達$60,000無門檻購物現金券
1月15日起於明珠大堂更設有 #DFS迪斐世 新春限時店,帶來多個美妝大牌新年限定禮物套裝及賀年禮遇
【Celebrate the Chinese New Year with Shopping Rewards of up at 7% rebate!】
#GalaxyPromenade has curated an extraordinary selection of luxurious fashion items, exclusive Chinese New Year limited products, festive workshops, along with our exciting Shopping Rewards of up to 7% shopping rebate! Get ready to refresh your style for the Year of the Snake!
From January 24 to February 9, enjoy special offers at Galaxy Promenade:
Spend $20,000 and receive shopping Gift Certificates worth up to $60,000, with no minimum spend required.
Use UnionPay to spend a specified amount and get additional Gift Certificates worth up to $1,000, with no minimum spend required.
VIP members can enjoy an extra 2% shopping rebate on their purchases.
From January 15, the new #DFS Lunar New Year Pop-Up Store at Pearl Lobby brings you New Year limited-edition beauty gift sets and festive New Year perks from popular brands
There are even more New Year shopping surprises waiting for you! Stay tuned for our latest updates!
#澳門銀河 #新春購物 #購物賞 #GalaxyMacau #CNYShoppingRewards
資料來源: 銀河