漁人碼頭 第22屆品牌消費嘉年華利是優惠
優惠期: 2025-01-10 至 2025-01-12 己過期 (以內文作準*)
第22屆品牌消費嘉年華,由今日起一連三日喺 #澳門漁人碼頭 驚喜開賣!新一年有更多豐富、優惠的品牌商品等你發掘。美味零食、海味乾貨、實用家居、育嬰用品、時尚飾品、數碼產品、月子服務,通通都有!
除咗購物,亦有多項焦點活動,包括新春福袋換購 🧧開運利是墻 免費孕媽福袋 兒童遊樂場 🏻新春親子工作坊🏻BB 大比拼 🏻新手爸媽講座 估賀詞大比拼 雀神爭霸賽 東方大美漢服表演。真喺一家大細都啱玩!
時間:11:00 - 20:00 (3小時免費泊車)
22nd Mega Sale Carnival kicks off today at #MacauFishermansWharf and runs until Sunday! Discover more discounted brand products, including snacks, home goods, and baby items, etc.!
In addition to shopping, there are also several highlight activities, including Lucky Bags, 🧧Red Packet Wall, Free Pregnancy Bags, Childrens Playground, 🏻Family Workshops, 🏻Baby Contest, 🏻New Parent Seminars , Greeting Guessing Contest, Mahjong Tournament, Hanfu Performance. Its truly a place where everyone, big and small, can have fun!
More Info: https://www.11ebuy.com/
Dates: Jan 10-12, 2025
Time: 11:00 - 20:00 (3-hour free parking)
Venue: Macau Fishermans Wharf Convention and Exhibition Centre
#會議展覽中心 #購物 #旅遊 #美食 #打卡 #景點 #MacauFishermansWharf #MFW #ConventionandExhibitionCentre #CEC #Shopping #macau #food #travel #attractions
資料來源: 漁人碼頭