銀河 銀河時尚匯 DFS迪斐世新春限時店 賀年購物賞高達7 返現優惠
優惠期: 2025-01-29 至 2025-02-07 己過期 (以內文作準*)
【#銀河時尚匯 DFS迪斐世新春限時店 賀年購物賞高達7%返現 🧧】
位於明珠大堂的 #DFS迪斐世 新春限時店,匯聚人氣美妝品牌包括 #Clarins、 #EstéeLauder、#HelenaRubinstein、#LaMer、#Lancôme、#LOccitane 及 #TomFordBeauty 的新春限定禮品套裝及精選產品。逢週五至週日15:30,還有化妝演示和禮品套裝簡介秀,讓你以最美姿態迎接蛇年!
1月29日至2月7日期間,於限時店購物滿 $1,888 即享高達$760 DFS購物禮券!於迪斐世澳門銀河店或限時店購物滿$888,更可即時抽獎贏取 $100 銀河時尚匯購物優惠券等豐富獎品!
迪斐世澳門銀河店更設有 #HR赫蓮娜 的獨家快閃空間,帶來一系列新春禮遇及體驗,奢寵你的肌膚,耀啟流光新程
🟡專業皮膚分析及HR 24K金箔手部護理服務
購物滿 $20,000 可獲高達 $60,000 無門檻購物現金券
以銀聯購物簽賬可額外獲高達 $1,000 無門檻購物現金券
這個農曆新年,把握時機來銀河轉轉,盡享新春購物優惠, “金”喜開年!
【Shop & Celebrate: #GalaxyPromenade’s DFS Pop-Up Store - Up to 7% Rebate! 🧧】
Discover limited-edition beauty gift sets and products from your favorite brands including Clarins, Estée Lauder, Helena Rubinstein, La Mer, Lancôme, L’Occitane and Tom Ford Beauty at the DFS Lunar New Year Pop-Up Store, located at the Pearl Lobby. Every Friday to Sunday at 15:30, enjoy makeup demonstrations and CNY beauty giftset showcases to ring in the Year of the Snake in style!
From January 29 to February 7, spend $1,888 at the Pop-Up Store and receive up to $760 DFS shopping vouchers! Shop $888 or above at DFS Macau, Galaxy Macau or pop-up store for a chance to win fantastic prizes including $100 Galaxy Promenade Shopping Privilege Voucher at the instant lucky draw!
DFS also brings Helena Rubinstein CNY pop-up exclusively to Galaxy Macau store, with an array of festive perks and experiences to celebrate the New Year and embrace a season of renewal.
🟡Check-in at the pop-in for exquisite gift
🟡Personalized fan and pendant upon any purchase of Helena Rubinstein products
🟡Professional skin consultation and HR 24K Gold hand massage
🧨This Chinese New Year, Galaxy Promenade features an array of luxurious fashion arrivals, exclusive limited-time items, brand workshops, and unique shopping experiences, along with up to 7% shopping rebate and more.
From January 24 to February 9, enjoy unrivalled shopping rebate at Galaxy Promenade:
Spend $20,000 and receive shopping Gift Certificates worth up to $60,000, with no minimum spend required.
Shop with UnionPay and get additional Gift Certificates worth up to $1,000, with no minimum spend required.
VIP members can enjoy an extra 2% shopping rebate on their purchases.
Join us at Galaxy Promenade to embrace luck and celebrate the Chinese New Year in style!
#澳門銀河 #澳門購物 #澳門新春 #金喜開年 #來銀河轉轉 #銀河購物賞 #GalaxyMacau #MacauShopping #MacauCNY #CNY #LunarNewYear #EmbraceLuck
資料來源: 銀河